One Saturday, we were heading to the north coast by car to go hiking when Nigel saw a sign on the roadside which sad "TREVITHICK DAY". Trevithick was a Cornishman who invented the compact high-pressure steam engine. I hadn't heard his name but the festival sounded interesting, so we changed our destination.
When we found several vintage cars parked on the street, Nigel was totally glued there. British men seem to love vintage cars rather than new stylish cars. They restore their cars and try to put them back as they were when new. One of Nigel's friends has a huge garage only for maintenance of his old cars, which looks like a repair shop.
The main attractions of the festival were full scale steam engines. After display, they moved down the streets in a parade. I'd thought steam engines were just used for trains and never imagined those huge cars were running on the street in the old times. Some of huge cars pulled huge trailers or carriages, which had warning boards on the back saying "slow moving". It must be slow because of the huge size.
Some people had made miniature steam engines, which one person could get on and ride. Surprisingly they did that as a hobby. They could be called toys for adult.