For Valentine's day, I made a steak and ale pie for the first time. It is a traditional British pub dish, a pie with beef casserloe cooked in beer.
An ale is a type of traditional beer and popular in the UK while most of the beers in Japan are lagers. Ales are brewed with top-fermenting yeast which allows for rapid fermentation at warmer temperatures. Lagers are brewed with bottom-fermenting yeast which ferments more slowly and at colder temperatures. Ales are to be drunk at room tempretures, which I think suits the relatively cool UK climate. There is no froth on beer in pubs unlike Japan. People order a pint, which is the unit for beer (568ml in the UK) and its glass is designed for a pint when it's poured to the full. If the froth takes part of the volume, the liquid would be less than a pint, which would be regarded as a rip-off. Therefore bartenders normally make the froth overflow and pour the beer to the brim. The Japanese beer pouring ratio, (golden ratio) of 7 to 3 is impossible here.
I chose a recipe, 'Steak, Guinness and cheese pie' by Jamie Olive, a popular British chef. I cooked beef in a slow cooker overnight instead of an oven (casserole beef here is too tough to eat without cooking slowly for a long time), using an ale instead of Guinness as I wanted to drink the ale. The next day, the stew tasted......exactly like the ale itself. Well, I thought it shouldn't be like that even though I like beer. So I added some seasonings, then cheese, to my taste. I also made the pie dough myself. My two days' effort certainly satisfied my husband and me. However, I feel that a homemade steak and ale pie should be a treat once in a while as it's time consuming and beer is too good for putting into the dish; although my husband would like it regularly.