It was my first Christmas in the UK after I moved. Usually people spend Christmas Day with family. This time we went to my mother-in-law's house. Christmas dinner in the UK is usually eaten in the afternoon on the 25th of December. I really looked forward to tasting the traditional Christmas food which my mother-in-law, an excellent cook, would make.
She served exactly the same traditional Christmas dinner as I had seen on the internet beforehand, so I was impressed. Roast turkey with cranberry sauce, bread sauce, stuffing, sausages wrapped in bacon, roast potatoes, parsnips, brussels sprouts, carrots, celery, and lashings of hot gravy. It must be very hard to prepare all the food. In Japan, when people make special New Year food, it also takes a lot of time. The dishes are supposed to be prepared before New Year's Day and cooled down. However, in the UK, Christmas dishes have to be served hot and all at once. To finish everything at the same time, she wrote her time table in advance and followed it, just like an expert. So I was very impressed.
The following is about traditional English Christmas food.
Roast turkey
It was a traditional Christmas day treat to eat goose or the head of a boar. However since the 16th Century when the turkey bird was introduced to England from America, the popularity of turkeys has steadily increased. At that time chicken wasn't cheap and a turkey was big enough to feed a large family.
This Christmas I saw a whole roast turkey for the first time. It was certainly big. I think in Japan there are not many families who have an oven big enough to cook a whole turkey. Japanese people eat chicken instead of turkey (it might be because of a trick by KFC), but there are not so many families who cook a whole chicken. The leftover turkey provides a challenge for the cooks to come up with new and interesting ways to present the meat in the following days. Similarly, Japanese people eat New Year Dishes for several days.
Christmas pudding
It is a rich dried fruit pudding, totally different from a Japanese wiggly custard pudding. It is traditional dessert for the Christmas dinner and eaten with brandy butter or white brandy sauce.
I prefer it to spongy cake with whipping cream which Japanese people eat for Christmas, although the pudding may be too rich to eat after a big main course. It was so delicious that I wanted to eat more, but I could manage only a small amount at that time. However the pudding keeps so well that it can be eaten for several days, which is good.
クリスマスシーズンによく食べられる小さなタルトです。ひき肉(英語で「ミンスミート」)のパイだと思っていたのですが、肉は全く入っておらず、 細かく刻んだドライフルーツが入っています(これをミンスミートと呼んでいます)。元々残った肉を利用するための料理で、中世の伝統的なレシピにはひき肉、ドライフルーツ、スパイスが入ってい ます。肉を塩漬けやスモークしないでも保存できる一種の方法だったというわけです。今日ではお菓子に変わってしまったようですが、伝統あるこのパイはクリ スマスには欠かせません。
Mince pies
They are small covered tarts eaten during the Christmas season. I thought that they were pies filled with meat but actually they do not contain any meat at all but minced dried fruit, which is called mincemeat. Originally people made them to use any leftover meat, so the typical recipe in the Medieval period contained minced meat, dried fruits and spices. It was a way of preserving meat without salting or smoking. Today's mince pies seem to have turned into sweets but are still a regular treat for Christmas.
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