We crossed from the Isle of Arran to the Kintyre peninsula by ferry and stayed in Tarbert. Next morning, four of us got in one car and packed like sardines, crossed to the Isle of Islay then again to the Isle of Jura.

Its name, Jura is said to come from 'deer' in Norse. The population is about 200 and the number of deer is about 5500. There is only one road on the eastern coast. The west side is uninhabited and inaccessible. The road was too narrow for two cars to pass, but fortunately, we rarely met oncoming vehicles, so we didn't have to back to a passing place or wait. We enjoyed the view of untouched nature. We found lovely fluffy cygnets on the coast and of course saw deer in the fields.

We drove to a small bay far from villages and found a sign on the deserted beach. That said, "Tea on the beach." There was a walkie-talkie/ transceiver to send our order and instructions on the table. 10 minutes later, tea and cakes were delivered from a house nearby. I had never seen a transceiver for ordering tea before. That was a nice surprise.
ウイスキーの語源はゲール語(スコットランドの古い言葉)の「ウシュク・ベーハ uisge beatha(=命の水) 」といわれています。私は若かりし頃、日本で安い命の水を飲み過ぎて、ひどい二日酔いに陥ったことがあって、ちょっと苦手だったのですが、スコットランドでいただいたウイスキーはスモーキーな香りがして結構美味しいと思いました。命の水といえどもほどほどが一番ですね。ちなみに水がよいからか、スコットランドのビールも美味しかったです。
On the way back we stopped by a whisky distillery but unfortunately it was closed. Needless to say Scotland is famous for its whisky. I was amazed that such a small island had a distillery. More surprisingly, in the Isle of Islay, the next island has no fewer than eight distilleries, although not all are working.
It is said that the origin of the word, whisky came from 'uisge beatha' which means 'water of life' in Gaelic. I usually don't drink whisky because of a bad experience that I'd had with a terrible hangover after drinking too much cheap Japanese whisky in my youth. However, the whisky which I had in Scotland was agreeable with its smoky flavour. Having a moderate amount of something is always the best for our life even if it is the 'water of life'. By the way, Scottish beer was also nice, perhaps it is because Scotland is blessed with good water.

We returned on the ferries and drove back to Tarbert. Although it became gloomy and a bit chilly, we ate outside, looking over the harbor. After a while, midges came to us!! We beaten a hasty retreat and went beck to our hotel. The west coast is famous for its whisky and infamous for the outbreak of midges in late summer. We were very lucky that we were there just before the midge season, but were warm enough to drive a car with the top down. We thoroughly enjoyed the lovely views while driving. Next time, I would like to walk around the Isle of Jura.
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