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ポルチーニ茸 Cep |
We have had our interest aroused since we chanced upon an edible wild mushroom, -a cep - last year. This autumn,
I got into a habit of bringing a mushroom guide book, given to me by a friend, on our walks. Having spotted some mushrooms which seemed to be edible, we couldn't definitely distinguish them from poisonous ones, so we did not try them.
photo from a friend who went for a walk with us |
そして、後でネットにて、「カラカサタケ」という和名があるのを知りました。日本の某サイトには、カラカサタケについて「(かなり似た毒きのこがあるので)できれば食べない方が賢明です」と但し書きが。えー!?もう、食べちゃったけど・・・。あわてて英語のサイトを見ると、ヨーロッパではそっくりの毒種Chlorophyllum molybdites(オオシロカラカサタケ)はないので、判断しやすいとのことでした。命の危険を冒す気はないけれど、野生のきのこは魅力的。これからも細心の注意を払って、きのこ探しに取り組みたいと思います。
カラカサタケ Parasol mushrooms |
Then later, I discovered the parasol mushroom has a Japanese name, 'Karakasa-take' ('Karakasa' is a traditional Japanese umbrella made of bamboo and paper, 'take' means mushroom). A Japanese website mentioned, 'there is a poisonous mushroom similar to Karakasa-take, which is hard to distinguish, so it is advisable not to taste'. What? We have already eaten one.... Hurry-scurry, I turned back to the English website. That said that the parasol mushroom is difficult to mistake for any other as the poisonous look-alike Chlorophyllum molybdites does not occur in Europe. I certainly wouldn't want to risk my neck but wild mushrooms are nectar. Therefore I will keep up mushroom hunting but with great caution.
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