洞爺湖 Lake Toya |
青大将 Japanese rat snake |
My parents took us on a trip in Hokkaido. First, we went to Lake Toya, a volcanic caldera lake. There is an island in the middle of the lake, called Nakano-shima. We got across there by ferry and ambled on a nature trail, meeting deer and snakes. The snakes seemed to be Japanese rat snakes, more than 1m long. They are the largest snake in Japan outside the Southwest Island. I was a bit alarmed, not knowing they were harmless. We spotted three of them.
大湯沼川 Oyunuma brook |
After we visited active volcanic mountains emitting plumes of smoke, we moved to Noboribetsu. which has another area created by volcanic activity, called Jigokudani,
Hell Valley. The boiling and bubbling water reminded one of Hell where demons live. But the walk along the hot water river and dipping our feet in it were heaven.

色々楽しんだ中、夫が最も感動したもの。それは、ホテルのバイキング。えっそれですか!?夫いわく「仕事で世界の高級ホテルに行ったけれど、こんなすごいの見たことがない。」 その場で調理してくれるステーキやてんぷらをはじめ、世界各国の料理が楽しめる。その種類の多様さ、少量ずつ好きなものを試せるシステム。そしてなにより何度でもおかわりできる。日本のバイキングはレベルが高いらしい。
ホテルの庭 Hotel's garden |
Amongst various interesting experiences on this trip, the one which most impressed my husband were the buffets in the hotels. Seriously!? Yes, he said that he had never seen such an amazing buffet although he has been to many posh hotels in the world for his business. We could enjoy every kind of food including steak or tempura cooked on the spot. The variety and the arrangement which enabled us to try different foods, little by little, were marvellous. On top of that, we could refill a plate as many times as we liked. Buffet in Japan came across to him as high-grade.
Incidentally, the day after our temple lodging, we stayed at a so-called 'love hotel' on the outskirts of a town. I booked one to show my husband another side of Japan, or should I say just because it was very good value and I found it on a normal hotel search website. The drawback was the distance from the station, which one should expect as the place is normally accessed furtively by car. However, my husband was astonished by the facilities, his eyes opened wide. A king-size bed, a huge flat screen TV, a film screen, a karaoke machine, a massage chair, a bubble bath, a steam room...etc, he described the room facilities as like a five star hotel's, but at a bargain price. There are no such love hotels in the UK, so my husband was surprised by the difference, a complete change to the previous day. I think these hotels may grow in popularity amongst foreigners.
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