I visited Munich to meet friends. Munich is the capital city of Bavaria in Germany. Its name, Munich, or München in German, is derived from 'Mönch', which means 'monk'. A monk is depicted on the city's coat of arms, which can been seen from place to place in the city.
マリエン広場と新市庁舎 Marienplatz and Neues Rathaus |
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Glockenspiel |
魚の噴水 Fischbrunnen |
The square used to hold the city’s marketplace until it was moved to the nearby Vikuetuelienmarkt in 1807. Fischbrunnen, Fish Fountain is standing where there was once a fish market. The bulbous fish on top the fountain is rather cute.
ちょうどカーニバルの時期にだったので、パン屋さんで'Krapfen' というジャム入りドーナツが売り出されていました。友人が伝統的なタイプ(あんずジャム入り粉砂糖かけ)を買ってくれました。ふわっふわで美味しい。現在では、カスタードクリームやチョコレート入り、かわいいデコレーションがされたさまざまなKrapfenがあり、カーニバルだけではなく年中いつでも買うことができます。
Krapfen |
Being in Munich during the carnival season, I saw a variety of Krapfen, a doughnut filled with jam, in a bakery. My friend bought me a traditional one, with apricot jam filling and a topping of powdered sugar. It was fluffy and sweet. Today there are many types of Krapfen, with fillings such as custard or chocolate cream and lovely decorations, sold not only for the carnival but throughout the year.
German cakes are large and delicious. They are twice the size of Japanese ones and not too sweet, which would meet the Japanese taste. We had a piece of cake at a cafe which local young ladies recommended for its taste and huge size. The cake filled me up, so there was no need for lunch. By the way, it seems to be normal that a piece of cake is served with a fork stuck into it.
ピーター教会の塔の306段の狭い階段を上がると市内を一望できます。古い建物とモダンな建物が混在するミュンヘンですが、高い建物がないので、遠くまで見渡せて登った甲斐がありました。 ケーキのカロリー消費にもぴったりでした。
Going up 306 steps in the tower of Peterskirche, St. Peter's Church, allowed us to look around the city. Munich is comprised of old and new buildings but no high buildings, which made it possible to look further. It was worth climbing to see the nice views and it was also perfect for consuming the calories of the huge cake.
ピーター教会の塔からの眺め View from St. Peter's Church tower |
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