「ゆりかごから墓場まで」のスローガンの元に1948年に国民健康保険サービスがスタートして以来、イギリスでは医療費は基本無料です。NHS(National Health Service)といって、財源のほとんどは国民が払う国民健康保険料、税金で賄われています。私は結婚して6か月以上滞在できるビザを持っているので、その恩恵に預かることができます。なんと留学の学生なんかも無料で医療を受けられるというから驚きです。
In the UK, medical fees have been basically free since the NHS, National Health Service, started in 1948 under the slogan of 'Security from Cradle to Grave'. Citizens pay national health insurance, and this and other tax covers most of the expense of the NHS. I also benefit from free NHS care, because I have a spouse visa which allows me to stay more than 6 months. To my surprise, even students studying abroad can have free medical treatment.
The other day I went to a doctor's surgery for the first time. Here in England, usually people go to a local surgery at first and have a consultation with a GP (general practitioner doctor). The doctor diagnoses and gives advice, a prescription or an introduction to a specialist perhaps at a hospital. In Japan, there are only specialised hospitals so people have to decide which hospital is best for their symptoms. The system in the UK perhaps has advantages, especially in rural areas with few hospitals. The GP can assess all your health needs, which is one of the pros. On the other hand, it's troublesome to have to make a second visit to see a specialist if it is needed.
In the UK, there are private hospitals as well, where patients have to pay the fees themselves. Some people go there because they think the treatment or stay might be better or quicker. However private hospitals don't always have better readiness or equipment and cost a lot.
In my case this time, the fee for the medical examination was free and I only had to pay towards the cost of the medicine. If we have a prescription, it usually costs 7.20 pound for each item. However over-the-counter medicine can sometimes be cheaper at a pharmacy, so they recommend to buy it there. Poor and some other patients can get free medicine, whilst operations and hospital stays are normally free, paid for out of taxation. They seem to try hard to reduce the cost by keeping patients in hospital for as short a time as possible or using generic drugs. In Japan, doctors tend to give us expensive and extra drugs or to let patients be in a hospital as long as possible. It is completely opposite. I may have a biased view for Japanese hospitals, but I guess some Japanese people might feel uneasy whether doctors were giving the best treatment in the UK;whilst UK people in Japan might feel they were overpaying.
I went to a dentist the other day at short notice because my silver crown on a tooth had come off. The dentist just glued it back on and charged me 16.5 pounds. It seems we have to pay whenever we go to a dentist. I have been fortunate to register with an NHS dentist, so I can pay less than I would at a private dentist where it costs about 2.5 times as much.
At any rate, it's better to be good health rather than have to go to a free doctor.
新年の歌 A song for a New Year
英語圏の国で新年のカウントダウンに流れる歌。それはなんと「蛍の光」なんです。私はこの曲は日本のオリジナルで「卒業式に歌う別れの曲」だと思っていたのでびっくりしました。この曲は元々スコットランドの民謡で「Auld Lang Syne(オールド・ラング・サイン)」、英訳にすると「Old Long Since(=Times gone by)」で「遠い昔」という意味だそうです。あるバンドグループが1929年の大みそかにニューヨークのホテルで歌って以来、新年の曲として定着しました。新しい年を迎える歌なのに「遠い昔」だなんてますます驚きです。
Talking of a song commonly sung on New Year's eve in English-speaking counties, that's ''Auld Lang Syne'', which is a Scottish folk song and literally translates as ''Old Long Since'' and means ''Times gone by.'' The song became a new year song after a band sang it on New Year's eve at a hotel in New York in 1929.
The song was translated into Japanese and named ''The light of fireflies''. I thought that it was an original Japanese and farewell song which we usually sing for a graduation ceremony. So I was surprised when I heard that it had been sung not only in other countries but also for a New Year.
I tried the translation of the first verse of the original song into Japanese and of the Japanese version into English.
''Auld Lang Syne'' 「遠い昔」
Should auld acquaintance be forgot, 古い友は忘れてしまって
And never brought to mind? 二度と思いださないものだろうか
Should auld acquaintance be forgot 古い友は忘れてしまって
And auld lang syne? 遠い昔のことは記憶から消えてしまうのだろうか
Chorus: (コーラス)
For auld lang syne, my dear, 友よ、遠い昔をしのんで
For auld lang syne, 遠い昔をしのんで
We'll tak a cup o' kindness yet 友情の杯を酌み交わそう
For auld lang syne. 遠い昔をしのんで
「蛍の光」 ''The light of fireflies''
蛍の光 窓の雪 By the light of fireflies and moonlight reflected on snow
書読む月日 重ねつつ We spent many days on studying hard
いつしか年も すぎの戸を Time has gone by without our knowing it
開けてぞ今朝は 別れゆく Now we have to open the door and take our leave
Talking of a song commonly sung on New Year's eve in English-speaking counties, that's ''Auld Lang Syne'', which is a Scottish folk song and literally translates as ''Old Long Since'' and means ''Times gone by.'' The song became a new year song after a band sang it on New Year's eve at a hotel in New York in 1929.
The song was translated into Japanese and named ''The light of fireflies''. I thought that it was an original Japanese and farewell song which we usually sing for a graduation ceremony. So I was surprised when I heard that it had been sung not only in other countries but also for a New Year.
I tried the translation of the first verse of the original song into Japanese and of the Japanese version into English.
''Auld Lang Syne'' 「遠い昔」
Should auld acquaintance be forgot, 古い友は忘れてしまって
And never brought to mind? 二度と思いださないものだろうか
Should auld acquaintance be forgot 古い友は忘れてしまって
And auld lang syne? 遠い昔のことは記憶から消えてしまうのだろうか
Chorus: (コーラス)
For auld lang syne, my dear, 友よ、遠い昔をしのんで
For auld lang syne, 遠い昔をしのんで
We'll tak a cup o' kindness yet 友情の杯を酌み交わそう
For auld lang syne. 遠い昔をしのんで
「蛍の光」 ''The light of fireflies''
蛍の光 窓の雪 By the light of fireflies and moonlight reflected on snow
書読む月日 重ねつつ We spent many days on studying hard
いつしか年も すぎの戸を Time has gone by without our knowing it
開けてぞ今朝は 別れゆく Now we have to open the door and take our leave
イギリスのクリスマス料理 Christmas food in the UK
It was my first Christmas in the UK after I moved. Usually people spend Christmas Day with family. This time we went to my mother-in-law's house. Christmas dinner in the UK is usually eaten in the afternoon on the 25th of December. I really looked forward to tasting the traditional Christmas food which my mother-in-law, an excellent cook, would make.
She served exactly the same traditional Christmas dinner as I had seen on the internet beforehand, so I was impressed. Roast turkey with cranberry sauce, bread sauce, stuffing, sausages wrapped in bacon, roast potatoes, parsnips, brussels sprouts, carrots, celery, and lashings of hot gravy. It must be very hard to prepare all the food. In Japan, when people make special New Year food, it also takes a lot of time. The dishes are supposed to be prepared before New Year's Day and cooled down. However, in the UK, Christmas dishes have to be served hot and all at once. To finish everything at the same time, she wrote her time table in advance and followed it, just like an expert. So I was very impressed.
The following is about traditional English Christmas food.
Roast turkey
It was a traditional Christmas day treat to eat goose or the head of a boar. However since the 16th Century when the turkey bird was introduced to England from America, the popularity of turkeys has steadily increased. At that time chicken wasn't cheap and a turkey was big enough to feed a large family.
This Christmas I saw a whole roast turkey for the first time. It was certainly big. I think in Japan there are not many families who have an oven big enough to cook a whole turkey. Japanese people eat chicken instead of turkey (it might be because of a trick by KFC), but there are not so many families who cook a whole chicken. The leftover turkey provides a challenge for the cooks to come up with new and interesting ways to present the meat in the following days. Similarly, Japanese people eat New Year Dishes for several days.
Christmas pudding
It is a rich dried fruit pudding, totally different from a Japanese wiggly custard pudding. It is traditional dessert for the Christmas dinner and eaten with brandy butter or white brandy sauce.
I prefer it to spongy cake with whipping cream which Japanese people eat for Christmas, although the pudding may be too rich to eat after a big main course. It was so delicious that I wanted to eat more, but I could manage only a small amount at that time. However the pudding keeps so well that it can be eaten for several days, which is good.
クリスマスシーズンによく食べられる小さなタルトです。ひき肉(英語で「ミンスミート」)のパイだと思っていたのですが、肉は全く入っておらず、 細かく刻んだドライフルーツが入っています(これをミンスミートと呼んでいます)。元々残った肉を利用するための料理で、中世の伝統的なレシピにはひき肉、ドライフルーツ、スパイスが入ってい ます。肉を塩漬けやスモークしないでも保存できる一種の方法だったというわけです。今日ではお菓子に変わってしまったようですが、伝統あるこのパイはクリ スマスには欠かせません。
Mince pies
They are small covered tarts eaten during the Christmas season. I thought that they were pies filled with meat but actually they do not contain any meat at all but minced dried fruit, which is called mincemeat. Originally people made them to use any leftover meat, so the typical recipe in the Medieval period contained minced meat, dried fruits and spices. It was a way of preserving meat without salting or smoking. Today's mince pies seem to have turned into sweets but are still a regular treat for Christmas.
ボルドーとコニャック Bordeaux and Cognac
We went to Bordeaux and Cognac during our trip to see the Angoulême classic car race. Bordeaux is famous for wine, and Cognac, for its eponymous drink.
Actually I didn't know that cognac was distilled white wine, a kind of brandy; nor did I know that Cognac was the name of the city where it is produced. In the city, there were several famous cognac distillers which had guided tours with a cognac tasting.
We somehow got a bit lost in the distillery and wandered about inside by ourselves. When we arrived at the tasting area, we decided to splash out on a glass of the oldest cognac they had. The cognac was over 80 years old and cost 30 euros for small glass. It was a very valuable experience. I think it was the first time that I had had cognac, so my first cognac was a rare event. I have to thank my husband who treated me, but I have to say, 'Don't ask me about the taste.'


In Bordeaux, there was a lot to see without even going to a winery. The city has many historical buildings, so to protect the cityscape, trams in the town have no overhead electric line. I hear that the electricity is supplied only to the rails immediately below the tram and is cleverly switched on by the movement of the tram passing above.
At St Andre cathedral, my eyes were drawn to the pillars with colourful geometrical patterns, because I had assumed that pillars in churches were white or the colour of stone.
I was also surprised when I found Japanese whisky displayed at a wine shop into which we dropped.
On the way home, we bought wine by the case at a supermarket and filled our car. From my subsequent experience I can say that Bordeaux, the king of wines, is wonderful.
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