
A member of staff at our hotel said, 'Without visiting Bonifacio, you cannot say you have been to Corsica.' So we visited Bonifacio, at the southern end of Corsica. The town built on sheer cliffs, was certainly unique and impressive.
We noticed one house right on the end of the cliff, was up for sale. Although the town was very attractive, I would be too nervous to live there, considering the cliff might fall down some day.


Corsica had been controlled by different Italian nations successively, when in 1755 following years of struggle it started to run its own affairs under Pasquale Paoli. However in 1769 it was "sold" to Louis XV of France by the Italian Genoese. As a consequence, the Corsicans have resented France ever since.
In Corsica, road signs are written in both French and Corsican. We saw that some patriotic Corsicans had blotted out the French words on some of the signs. Although Corsica is mostly living on tourism, some Corsicans have a very insular character. But thanks to that, its wild beauty has been preserved.
When we arrived in Bastia in Corsica, we had to stay on the ferry for three hours, because there was a rumour that a bomb was about to blow up in the port. I didn't know what was going on in reality because I don't understand French, but the incident may have been caused by some extreme separatists.