待雪草 snowdrops |
I went for a walk on the Camel Trail, which was a disused railway line and has been converted into a path for cycling, walking or horse riding. The trail runs along the River Camel and the name Camel is said to be derived from old Cornish words, meaning 'crooked one', which is nothing to do with the camel, animal.
途中の橋に「WEAK BRIDGE(弱い橋)」のサインがついていました。3トンなんて貨物列車なら余裕で超してしまいそうですが、きっと当時は丈夫だったのでしょう。
(※重量制限のある橋にはこの「WEAK BRIDGE(弱い橋)」のサインがついています。なんか面白い表現って思うのは私が日本人だからでしょうか?「私、しがない弱い橋なんです」って告白してる感じ・・・。)
On the way, there was a bridge with a load sign, 'WEAK BRIDGE.' with a 3 ton weight limit. A freight train could have easily exceeded 3t. It must have been all right in those days.
By the way, the sigh 'WEAK BRIDGE' always makes me chuckle because in Japan I have only seen weight limit signs which don't confess their weakness.
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