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オーストリアフォアアウールベルク州 |
The fact was the passes for cars were closed but trains still ran so that we could load our car on them. Alternatively, we could have chosen rather long detours and paid Swiss motorway tax, which cost 40 Swiss francs (34 Euro) for a year.
スイスに入り、高速道路ではなく、一般道を選ぼうと緑の標識に従いました(フランス、イギリスでは青が高速道路、緑が一般道の標識) 。しばらくして、「これって高速道路っぽくない?」・・・。そう、スイスの高速道路標識は緑だったのです。ちなみに高速パスなしで高速道路を走ると400スイスフランの罰金が科されます。ふー。
We took the train route. When we drove in Switzerland, we followed the green road signs in order to take the normal roads, not the motorway. (Blue signs are for motorways and green for normal roads in France and the UK.) After a while, we realised we were on a Swiss motorway and green signs were for motorways in Switzerland. The fine for using a Swiss motorway without a vignette is 400 Swiss francs. Ouch!
On the first train ride, we stayed in our car on
the train and passed through some tunnels before unloading. Whilst buying a ticket for the second train ride, a clerk said 'This train ride is quite expensive and the mountain pass for cars will be open tomorrow morning. If you drive the detour route now, it will take more time than the train ride. You can think it over and decide.' We chose the train. Considering that we were the only passengers and car on board, it was like a private train with magnificent views. Despite the cost, it was a once in a lifetime trip.
Having been through Switzerland, we entered Liechtenstein, a small country with 37,000 people (in 2013) and 160 sq km. I have heard of the name but I didn't know where it was. We passed through Liechtenstein in a flash and finally reached Austria. We were three hours and half behind our arrival time. Sorry, - friends! The route planner didn't reflect the waiting time for trains.
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