Maiori マイオリ |
「アマルフィ」という名前は日本で邦画『アマルフィ 女神の報酬』のCMと共に流れた
サラ・ブライトマンの”Time to say goodbye]”の美しいメロディーとともに頭の中にこびりついていました。いつかその美しい海岸に行ってみたい・・・その夢がついにかないました!
Since I saw a preview of a Japanese file,"Amalfi: Rewards of the Goddess"on TV, the name Amalfi and the film's theme song,
'Time to say goodbye' by Sarah Brightman, had stuck in my mind. It became one of my dreams to go to the celebrated picturesque coast one day. Now it has come true !!
A cafe in Minori ミノリのカフェ |
Amalfi アマルフィ |
Positano ポジターノ |
We based ourselves in Maiori on the Amalfi coast and went out for my desired coastal walks. In the past, the only way to get to the next village was by ship, or on foot. Now there is a road along the coast. However, it is so incredibly narrow, two cars can just pass each other. Actually, at curves one has to stop or even back to let oncoming traffic pass through. As a matter of course, there is no pavement. I guess people should not walk on the road, but we couldn't resist doing it as it was just skirting the coast with fantastic views. We also enjoyed a masterpiece of cake at the next town, Minori and arrived in Amalfi, the biggest town on the coast.

The following day, we took a ferry from Amalfi to Positano. The views from the sea were exceptional. Our aim was walking on 'Sentiero degli Dei,' the Path of the Gods. We didn't check the details of the path in advance, thinking it would be easy to find out as it's famous. In Positano, we got a town map. The start point of the path seemed to be a bit far. Well, it would be all right...That was a big mistake. Later we learned that people normally get to the start, Nocelle by bus. We climbed up around 1700 steps, plus slopes. All of our lunch and water had vanished before we even got to the start. My husband thought he would expire and meet God before he reached the Path of the Gods.

天気にも恵まれ、努力の甲斐がありました。 はるか上から見下ろす町や海岸線は絶景でした。まさに神々の道。ぶどうやレモンを育てる急斜面の段々畑もすごい。世界有数の観光地ですが、昔ながらの生活も続けられているようです。
Anyway, it was worthwhile. Thanks to our effort and the sunny weather, it was heaven looking down at the coastline and towns nearby, as if we were in the sky. I was also amazed by the terraced fields on steep slopes, on which grew vines or lemons. Although the stunning coast became one of the top tourist destinations, some traditional livelihoods still continue as in the past.
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