The other day Christchurch was seriously damaged by an earthquake. (The photo on the left is the cathedral, taken in 2008 before the collapse caused by the quake.) I have stayed and traveled in New Zealand as a working holiday maker. Then its wonderful nature captivated me. Now I'd like to introduce my past trip in the lovely country, hoping many people visit there and Christchurch is restored quickly.
Before leaving for the trip, I had stayed in Auckland, except for three weeks working at farms as a worker who gets accommodation and meals in exchange for work. Auckland is the biggest city in NZ and I stayed near the biggest shopping mall in the southern hemisphere, away from the centre, at a flat with two other people. In Japan single people tend to live in a small flat by themselves, while in NZ it's popular to share a house with a few others.
Thinking of Auckland reminds me of the many sailing boats tied up in the harbour, so its no surprise that it is called The City of Sails, and the many hills made by volcanic activity. It's a big city but blessed with nature and beautiful views. There are a lot of beautiful islands scattered around the city as well. A friend's family rented a cottage on the one of the islands for Christmas and invited me to join. So I was lucky that I had spent my first Summer Christmas there and even swam in the sea, though it was chilly.
Cafes and pubs are part of the way of life for Kiwis (New Zealanders) in common with English people. There are many lovely cafes in the town and people enjoy their tea or coffee. As fast food, fish and chips and meat pies are popular. In England meat pies are also traditional food, but here in Cornwall, pasties are more common as takeaway food. The pasty was originally made for Cornish tin miners to be able to eat with their dirty hands, so traditional one was wrapped in hard shortcut pastry and filled with meat and vegetables, while the NZ pie is made from flaky or puff pastry. Either food is very filling.
世界各地から移民が移り住み、多国籍料理が楽しめるオークランド。日本食はヘルシーだとして人気があり、テイクアウトのお寿司(テリヤキチキンやサーモンの巻き寿司が定番)をよく見かけました。日 本食はもうかる、ということでレストランやテイクアウトショップのオーナーの半分以上は中国人か韓国人という話。実際私のバイト先の日本食レストランでは スタッフは全員韓国人でした。でも味は一応日本食でしたし、お客さんが店内に流れる音楽が韓国語だなんて気づかないでしょうから、問題ないでしょうね。
Many people have migrated to NZ from various countries, so there is a wide variety of food in Auckland. Japanese food is popular as healthy cuisine. There are many sushi takeaways, whose hot items are Teriyaki chicken or raw salmon rolled sushi. I heard that Sushi takeaways and Japanese food restaurants were profitable so that more than half of the owners of those shops were Chinese or Korean there. At a Japanese restaurant where I worked as a waitress, all the staff were Korean except for me. The served food had an almost authentic Japanese taste, so it was all right. I didn't think customers noticed though that Korean music was being played there.
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