Valentine's Day has taken root in Japan as the day when women give chocolate to men, which is, I think, because of the influence of the Japanese confectionery industry. In the West, the day has been celebrated from ancient times as an anniversary to do with St Valentine, a Christian saint. Westerners of both sexes give something, not necessarily chocolate, to their beloved, unlike the Japanese custom. There are many people, especially women who choose chocolate for their gift, in the UK. In fact, the giving of chocolate on Valentine's Day started in the UK in the late 19th century and has spread. Most people in the UK loved chocolate so it was a perfect gift. Some Japanese men don't have sweet teeth so perhaps it is not so appropriate for them.
White Day, 14th of March, seems to have been born in Japan as the day when men give something to women, a rejoinder for Valentine's Day. The confectionery industry seems to be behind this. Anyway to my surprise, in Korea they have Black Day, 14th of April. It is the day when people who did not receive a gift on Valentine's Day or White Day wear black clothes and have black food (Jajang noodle) or black coffee. That sounds amusing. I hear that nowadays the number of Japanese women who buy posh chocolate on Valentine's Day to treat themselves is increasing. They may be creating their own Black Day.
For this Valentine's Day my husband treated me to dinner and I gave him a card and chocolate. So neither of us had a Black day!
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