
After visiting Barcelona, we drove along the coast to Javea Xabia, the next destination, arriving at 2 o'clock in the morning.
Xabia was once a small fishing village and is now a beach resort which many people; especially people from the UK, visit to enjoy Spain's sunshine. In the seaside area, you can hear English conversation very frequently. In Spain, they have a siesta, which is a time for an afternoon nap, from 1:00 to 4:00, to avoid the heat. Afterwards, they work again until late evening. As the famous Noel Coward sang:\ 'Only mad dogs and Englishmen go out in the midday sun.
We, a mad Englishman and a mad Japanese, went out to the old part of the town in the strong midday sunshine. By chance, we found that the fiesta of 'Saint Joan' was to be held, so decided to come again in the evening to see the dance.
A leaflet said the dance would start at 10:00pm. However in true Spanish tradition, it didn't start on time. Twenty minutes late, they began dancing to the sound of horns and drums. It was the end of June and warm enough for a short-sleeved shirt. The dancers with traditional dress soon became sweaty. The dancers don't tap their shoes like flamenco, but use castanets. After the dancing, we went back without waiting for the firework display at midnight because we hadn't had a siesta. The night in Spain is long.

The next day we went to see a parade, when various floats proceeded through the streets. There were children with cute costumes and women with traditional gorgeous dress on each float. They were sitting on them, not dancing like they do at the carnival in Rio, but they looked dressed-up and happy.
I was lucky to see the local festival. It wasn't so bad to go out at midday like a mad dog with an Englishman. Above all, I could enjoy a cold beer afterwards.
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