英語で船を表す時は「it (それ)」と言わず「she(彼女)」といいます。船には普通女性の名前をつけるそう。日本では「~丸」とか、男の子っぽい感じですよね。英語で女の子っぽい響き、ということで「ソラ」と名付けました。「solar (太陽の)」と日本語の「空」をかけてみました。夫も「音符、ドレミファソラ・・・のソラみたい」でいいね、ということで決定。
We bought a wooden boat, Mirror 16, made by my husband's woodwork master more than 40 years ago. We put her in order, painted her hull, varnished her topsides and finally she went afloat on the sea this summer.
In English, a boat is normally called 'she', not 'it', as if a boat is female, therefore she has a female name. In Japan, many boats have names, ending with a word 'maru,' which sounds like a boy's name. Thinking about girlish names in English, I named her 'SOLA,' which sounds similar to 'solar' and means 'sky' in Japanese. My husband agreed with that name, saying 'It sounds like do re mi fa so la..'s sola'.
By the way, in Japanese we say, 'si', instead of 'ti' when reading musical notation. So whenever I hear 'do re mi fa so la ti do,' I feel out of place and recall the word 'Sorachi,' a Hokkaido region in Japan.
We have sailed her several times and I am on the process of learning sailing technique little by little from my husband. Although Japan is surrounded by the sea, sailing is a rare sport there. Whereas in the UK there are many sailing clubs and races. I am not so serious that I want to join a race but I would like to enjoy sailing and to get over being seasick-prone.
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