We left Genoa and arrived in Cinque Terre, which in Italian means five lands. There are five separate villages on the coast. The main means of travel between them is by train, boat or cliff footpath.
We stayed in Monterosso al Mare, the westernmost town and walked on the path through wonderful scenery. The area is one of the UN World Heritage sites.
The path was quite steep. We went up and down along the narrow cliff path, which showed us the dramatic coastline. I was amazed when we saw the isolated villages with their colourful houses.
The inhabitants have made terraced fields out of the infertile land on the steep, rocky, cliffs and have grown vines. The vines have fewer grapes than normal but with a more concentrated flavour and sugar content. It is said that in the olden days the resulting wine had been highly valued by the nobility.

After considering the time and our stamina, we decided to return by train from the third village. To get the train station, we had to walk down terribly long stairs which zigzaged down the cliff from the village. I don't want to even think about going up from the station to the village with a heavy travelling bag for a stay in the village. We walked more than three hours to get there but the train needed only 10min to take us back, by passing through tunnels.
It costs 6 euros (extra for the weekend) to walk the path. The train ticket costs 1.8 euros.
It takes about 5 hours (possibly more) to walk the whole path from the first to the fifth village. The train takes just 30 minutes. Nevertheless I recommend that you walk to see the views.
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