
ゴールデンポスト Golden Letter Box

イギリスの郵便ポストは普通赤色で、作られた時代の王(または女王)マークが入っています。例えば、ERは「Elizabeth Regina」 で今のエリザベス2世女王、GEは「George Rex」でその前のジョージ6世。


そのポストはかやぶき屋根の古いパブ「パンドラ・イン」の壁に埋め込まれているのですが、そのマークはVR、そう「Victoria Regina」、ビクトリア女王時代(1837-1901)に作られたものなのです。古いパブとともに黄金色に輝くポストは地元の誇りです。

In the UK, a letter box is normally painted red and marked with the initial of the name of a King or a Queen at the time when one was built. For instance, ER refers to Elizabeth Regina, which is Elizabeth Ⅱand GR stands for George Rex, George Ⅵ.

Some of those traditional red letter boxes were painted gold to congratulate the UK gold medalists of the London Olympics 2012.  The medalists' local letter box were given that honour and we found one near our place. That was for Ben Ainslie, the quadruple Olympic gold and silver sailing medalist. I hear the sailing club where he learnt to sail is near the letter box.

The box is embedded in the wall of a very old thatched pub, the Pandora Inn and marked VR, Victoria Regina (1837-1901). Locals are proud of the newly-painted golden letter box as well as the old pub.       


リザード半島とカイナンス湾 The Lizard and Kynance Cove




The Lizard peninsula in Cornwall is the most southerly part of the British mainland. We went hiking with friends, heading for Kynance Cove, which is considered to be one of the most beautiful beaches in the world.

Although the cove was packed with crowds of holidaymakers, the view of the emerald green water and white sandy beaches was breathtaking. Thanks to the good weather, we enjoyed our picnic there.

I normally take sandwiches for a picnic but this time I made 'Onigiri,' rice balls, which are typical Japanese picnic food. Normal low-priced rice available here is dry and not suitable for making a rice ball. So I used special rice for sushi from a supermarket. What surprised me was the sushi rice was made in Italy. I didn't know that sushi rice is produced in Italy.


 After that, we walked on the coast of the Lizard and enjoyed its stunning views even more.


そらに乗ってうみを走る Sailing on Sola


英語で船を表す時は「it (それ)」と言わず「she(彼女)」といいます。船には普通女性の名前をつけるそう。日本では「~丸」とか、男の子っぽい感じですよね。英語で女の子っぽい響き、ということで「ソラ」と名付けました。「solar (太陽の)」と日本語の「空」をかけてみました。夫も「音符、ドレミファソラ・・・のソラみたい」でいいね、ということで決定。


We bought a wooden boat, Mirror 16, made by my husband's woodwork master more than 40 years ago. We put her in order, painted her hull,  varnished her topsides and finally she went afloat on the sea this summer.

In English, a boat is normally called 'she', not 'it', as if a boat is female, therefore she has a female name. In Japan, many boats have names, ending with a word 'maru,' which sounds like a boy's name. Thinking about girlish names in English, I named her 'SOLA,' which sounds similar to 'solar' and means 'sky' in Japanese. My husband agreed with that name, saying 'It sounds like do re mi fa so la..'s sola'.

By the way, in Japanese we say, 'si', instead of 'ti' when reading musical notation. So whenever I hear 'do re mi fa so la ti do,' I feel out of place and recall the word 'Sorachi,' a Hokkaido region in Japan. 


We have sailed her several times and I am on the process of learning sailing technique little by little from my husband. Although Japan is surrounded by the sea, sailing is a rare sport there. Whereas in the UK there are many sailing clubs and races. I am not so serious that I want to join a race but I would like to enjoy sailing and to get over being seasick-prone.


海坊主とセント・マーティンズ島-シリー諸島- Sea goblins and St. Martin's - The Isles of Scilly-


We went on another boat tour for wildlife watching and for visiting St. Martin's. I have seen wild seals sunbathing on a rock several times before but it was the first time I had seen their heads popping out from the sea, just like moles of Whack-A-Mole. Those people-watching seals were lovely,  although my photos don't show their charm, far from that, they look like sea goblins somehow.


It was fantastic to see the views of scattered islands and rocks from St. Martin. Occasional sunshine made a huge difference to its scenery. When the sun came out, the colour of the sea looked breathtaking, just like a tropical island.


The Isles of Scilly are a place where pristine nature has remained, it would be wonderful if I could go there again.

パフィンとセント・アグネス島ーシリー諸島- Puffins and St. Agnes - The Isles of Scilly-



We went on a boat tour for offshore wildlife watching and visiting St. Agnes.

There was a flock of puffins floating on the sea, occasionally diving for food. They are said to migrate somewhere else at the end of July every year so we were lucky to be there just in time.


St. Agnes is famous for its beautiful white sandy beaches and strange shaped rocks. The island is connected to the neighbouring island, Gugh by a picturesque sand bar. Its crystal clear water was just irresistible. As I had imagined, the water was pretty cold and swimming for only 3 minutes was my limit, still it was bracing.


There was a local farm ice cream shop. I tasted a ginger one. In the UK, ginger is used for sweets rather than for savoury dishes. I have had a cake with crystallized ginger before but not ice cream. It had a refreshing taste.


テレスコ島とブライヤー島 -シリー諸島- Tresco and Bryher -The Isles of Scilly-


We crossed to Tresco and Bryher by boat. First, we landed on Bryher and walked around. Its crystal clear water was so attractive that I dabbled my feet in the sea, which was unexpectedly cold. It might be because we suffered the coldest and wettest April to June in modern history in the UK. The two islands looked close enough to manage to swim across from one to the other, but I would have frozen to death if I had tried it.

テレスコ島の小学校 Primary school in Tresco


Except for Bryher, all five inhabited islands have a primary school. Children in Bryher go to school in Tresco by boat.

Tresco is the second largest island. There is a large garden with sub-tropical plants in the middle of the island.
クロムウェル城 Cromwell's castel


There is Cromwell's castle (built in 1651) beside the sea, which was named after Oliver Cromwell who was a central figure of the Puritan Revolution (1642-60). Scilly was the last base for holding out Royalists. It is fascinating that those small remote islands have a profound history.

カニのイス Crab-shaped chair

セント・メアリーズ島に飛ぶ -シリー諸島- Flying to St Mary's -The Isles of Scilly-


We went to the Isles of Scilly, the most South-Westerly point of the British Isles in mid-July. Its total population is just over 2000 and the climate is mild through the whole year. It took only about 10min by small airplane from Lands End, the most westerly point of the Britain. The airport was the smallest and most relaxed one I have ever been to. They didn't check any tickets or identification for check-in, we only needed to tell them our name. The plane for our return was even smaller. At the airport, we were weighed on the scales after our luggage, which was probably to balance the plane. It was first time that I had been weighed on luggage scales at an airport.


Scilly consists of 5 inhabited islands, St. Marys, Tresco, St. Martin's, Bryher and St. Agnes, and many smaller uninhabited islands. Scilly is said to have been one land mass in the Ice Age because  of the lower sea level. Now there are thousands of rocks hidden under the surface of the sea, which has caused hundreds of shipwrecks.


We stayed on St Mary's, the largest island with three quarters of the total population. Owing to the mild climate, there were flowers blooming in profusion. The little birds were less wary, which may be because of the absence of natural predators such as foxes.