Nouveau means new in French. Beaujolais Nouveau is the first Beaujolais wine of the season, released for sale every year on the third Thursday of November. The day is marked by parties, fireworks and other festivities in France. The tradition of drinking the wines so young is said to be rooted in the 19th century.
I witnessed the Beaujolais Nouveau craze in Japan every year, whereas I haven't seen any Beaujolais Nouveau bottle on sale or on an advertisement since I moved to the UK. The craze in the UK seemed to die down as the sales slipped from 742,000 bottles in 1999 to 107,000 in 2011. Perhaps, the fresh light wine is not quite to the British taste. The Beaujolais traders must have made a considerable success in the Japanese market since Japan is now the biggest Beaujolais Nouveau importing country. I assume the fruity taste suits Japanese food as well as Japanese people, moreover, we Japanese are pushovers for the words 'on sale for limited time only'.
先日、物置で1本ボジョレー・ヌーボーのボトルを発見しました。 それはなんと1993年もの。そう21年前のボジョレーが!赤ワインは成熟しておいしくなるものもありますが、ボジョレー・ヌーボーはおいしくなってはいないようでした。21年前のボジョレーを飲んだのことがあるのはたぶん日本で私だけかも。ある意味貴重な体験。
The other day, I discoverd a Beaujolais Nouveau bottle in our storeroom. It said 1993... so it was 21 years old!! Some red wine becomes better as it matures but the Beaujolais Nouveau seemed not to have made any progress. Perhaps I am the only Japanese who has tasted 21 year-old Beaujolais Nouveau. It was a sort of invaluable experience.