「ゆりかごから墓場まで」のスローガンの元に1948年に国民健康保険サービスがスタートして以来、イギリスでは医療費は基本無料です。NHS(National Health Service)といって、財源のほとんどは国民が払う国民健康保険料、税金で賄われています。私は結婚して6か月以上滞在できるビザを持っているので、その恩恵に預かることができます。なんと留学の学生なんかも無料で医療を受けられるというから驚きです。
In the UK, medical fees have been basically free since the NHS, National Health Service, started in 1948 under the slogan of 'Security from Cradle to Grave'. Citizens pay national health insurance, and this and other tax covers most of the expense of the NHS. I also benefit from free NHS care, because I have a spouse visa which allows me to stay more than 6 months. To my surprise, even students studying abroad can have free medical treatment.
The other day I went to a doctor's surgery for the first time. Here in England, usually people go to a local surgery at first and have a consultation with a GP (general practitioner doctor). The doctor diagnoses and gives advice, a prescription or an introduction to a specialist perhaps at a hospital. In Japan, there are only specialised hospitals so people have to decide which hospital is best for their symptoms. The system in the UK perhaps has advantages, especially in rural areas with few hospitals. The GP can assess all your health needs, which is one of the pros. On the other hand, it's troublesome to have to make a second visit to see a specialist if it is needed.
In the UK, there are private hospitals as well, where patients have to pay the fees themselves. Some people go there because they think the treatment or stay might be better or quicker. However private hospitals don't always have better readiness or equipment and cost a lot.
In my case this time, the fee for the medical examination was free and I only had to pay towards the cost of the medicine. If we have a prescription, it usually costs 7.20 pound for each item. However over-the-counter medicine can sometimes be cheaper at a pharmacy, so they recommend to buy it there. Poor and some other patients can get free medicine, whilst operations and hospital stays are normally free, paid for out of taxation. They seem to try hard to reduce the cost by keeping patients in hospital for as short a time as possible or using generic drugs. In Japan, doctors tend to give us expensive and extra drugs or to let patients be in a hospital as long as possible. It is completely opposite. I may have a biased view for Japanese hospitals, but I guess some Japanese people might feel uneasy whether doctors were giving the best treatment in the UK;whilst UK people in Japan might feel they were overpaying.
I went to a dentist the other day at short notice because my silver crown on a tooth had come off. The dentist just glued it back on and charged me 16.5 pounds. It seems we have to pay whenever we go to a dentist. I have been fortunate to register with an NHS dentist, so I can pay less than I would at a private dentist where it costs about 2.5 times as much.
At any rate, it's better to be good health rather than have to go to a free doctor.
新年の歌 A song for a New Year
英語圏の国で新年のカウントダウンに流れる歌。それはなんと「蛍の光」なんです。私はこの曲は日本のオリジナルで「卒業式に歌う別れの曲」だと思っていたのでびっくりしました。この曲は元々スコットランドの民謡で「Auld Lang Syne(オールド・ラング・サイン)」、英訳にすると「Old Long Since(=Times gone by)」で「遠い昔」という意味だそうです。あるバンドグループが1929年の大みそかにニューヨークのホテルで歌って以来、新年の曲として定着しました。新しい年を迎える歌なのに「遠い昔」だなんてますます驚きです。
Talking of a song commonly sung on New Year's eve in English-speaking counties, that's ''Auld Lang Syne'', which is a Scottish folk song and literally translates as ''Old Long Since'' and means ''Times gone by.'' The song became a new year song after a band sang it on New Year's eve at a hotel in New York in 1929.
The song was translated into Japanese and named ''The light of fireflies''. I thought that it was an original Japanese and farewell song which we usually sing for a graduation ceremony. So I was surprised when I heard that it had been sung not only in other countries but also for a New Year.
I tried the translation of the first verse of the original song into Japanese and of the Japanese version into English.
''Auld Lang Syne'' 「遠い昔」
Should auld acquaintance be forgot, 古い友は忘れてしまって
And never brought to mind? 二度と思いださないものだろうか
Should auld acquaintance be forgot 古い友は忘れてしまって
And auld lang syne? 遠い昔のことは記憶から消えてしまうのだろうか
Chorus: (コーラス)
For auld lang syne, my dear, 友よ、遠い昔をしのんで
For auld lang syne, 遠い昔をしのんで
We'll tak a cup o' kindness yet 友情の杯を酌み交わそう
For auld lang syne. 遠い昔をしのんで
「蛍の光」 ''The light of fireflies''
蛍の光 窓の雪 By the light of fireflies and moonlight reflected on snow
書読む月日 重ねつつ We spent many days on studying hard
いつしか年も すぎの戸を Time has gone by without our knowing it
開けてぞ今朝は 別れゆく Now we have to open the door and take our leave
Talking of a song commonly sung on New Year's eve in English-speaking counties, that's ''Auld Lang Syne'', which is a Scottish folk song and literally translates as ''Old Long Since'' and means ''Times gone by.'' The song became a new year song after a band sang it on New Year's eve at a hotel in New York in 1929.
The song was translated into Japanese and named ''The light of fireflies''. I thought that it was an original Japanese and farewell song which we usually sing for a graduation ceremony. So I was surprised when I heard that it had been sung not only in other countries but also for a New Year.
I tried the translation of the first verse of the original song into Japanese and of the Japanese version into English.
''Auld Lang Syne'' 「遠い昔」
Should auld acquaintance be forgot, 古い友は忘れてしまって
And never brought to mind? 二度と思いださないものだろうか
Should auld acquaintance be forgot 古い友は忘れてしまって
And auld lang syne? 遠い昔のことは記憶から消えてしまうのだろうか
Chorus: (コーラス)
For auld lang syne, my dear, 友よ、遠い昔をしのんで
For auld lang syne, 遠い昔をしのんで
We'll tak a cup o' kindness yet 友情の杯を酌み交わそう
For auld lang syne. 遠い昔をしのんで
「蛍の光」 ''The light of fireflies''
蛍の光 窓の雪 By the light of fireflies and moonlight reflected on snow
書読む月日 重ねつつ We spent many days on studying hard
いつしか年も すぎの戸を Time has gone by without our knowing it
開けてぞ今朝は 別れゆく Now we have to open the door and take our leave
イギリスのクリスマス料理 Christmas food in the UK
It was my first Christmas in the UK after I moved. Usually people spend Christmas Day with family. This time we went to my mother-in-law's house. Christmas dinner in the UK is usually eaten in the afternoon on the 25th of December. I really looked forward to tasting the traditional Christmas food which my mother-in-law, an excellent cook, would make.
She served exactly the same traditional Christmas dinner as I had seen on the internet beforehand, so I was impressed. Roast turkey with cranberry sauce, bread sauce, stuffing, sausages wrapped in bacon, roast potatoes, parsnips, brussels sprouts, carrots, celery, and lashings of hot gravy. It must be very hard to prepare all the food. In Japan, when people make special New Year food, it also takes a lot of time. The dishes are supposed to be prepared before New Year's Day and cooled down. However, in the UK, Christmas dishes have to be served hot and all at once. To finish everything at the same time, she wrote her time table in advance and followed it, just like an expert. So I was very impressed.
The following is about traditional English Christmas food.
Roast turkey
It was a traditional Christmas day treat to eat goose or the head of a boar. However since the 16th Century when the turkey bird was introduced to England from America, the popularity of turkeys has steadily increased. At that time chicken wasn't cheap and a turkey was big enough to feed a large family.
This Christmas I saw a whole roast turkey for the first time. It was certainly big. I think in Japan there are not many families who have an oven big enough to cook a whole turkey. Japanese people eat chicken instead of turkey (it might be because of a trick by KFC), but there are not so many families who cook a whole chicken. The leftover turkey provides a challenge for the cooks to come up with new and interesting ways to present the meat in the following days. Similarly, Japanese people eat New Year Dishes for several days.
Christmas pudding
It is a rich dried fruit pudding, totally different from a Japanese wiggly custard pudding. It is traditional dessert for the Christmas dinner and eaten with brandy butter or white brandy sauce.
I prefer it to spongy cake with whipping cream which Japanese people eat for Christmas, although the pudding may be too rich to eat after a big main course. It was so delicious that I wanted to eat more, but I could manage only a small amount at that time. However the pudding keeps so well that it can be eaten for several days, which is good.
クリスマスシーズンによく食べられる小さなタルトです。ひき肉(英語で「ミンスミート」)のパイだと思っていたのですが、肉は全く入っておらず、 細かく刻んだドライフルーツが入っています(これをミンスミートと呼んでいます)。元々残った肉を利用するための料理で、中世の伝統的なレシピにはひき肉、ドライフルーツ、スパイスが入ってい ます。肉を塩漬けやスモークしないでも保存できる一種の方法だったというわけです。今日ではお菓子に変わってしまったようですが、伝統あるこのパイはクリ スマスには欠かせません。
Mince pies
They are small covered tarts eaten during the Christmas season. I thought that they were pies filled with meat but actually they do not contain any meat at all but minced dried fruit, which is called mincemeat. Originally people made them to use any leftover meat, so the typical recipe in the Medieval period contained minced meat, dried fruits and spices. It was a way of preserving meat without salting or smoking. Today's mince pies seem to have turned into sweets but are still a regular treat for Christmas.
ボルドーとコニャック Bordeaux and Cognac
We went to Bordeaux and Cognac during our trip to see the Angoulême classic car race. Bordeaux is famous for wine, and Cognac, for its eponymous drink.
Actually I didn't know that cognac was distilled white wine, a kind of brandy; nor did I know that Cognac was the name of the city where it is produced. In the city, there were several famous cognac distillers which had guided tours with a cognac tasting.
We somehow got a bit lost in the distillery and wandered about inside by ourselves. When we arrived at the tasting area, we decided to splash out on a glass of the oldest cognac they had. The cognac was over 80 years old and cost 30 euros for small glass. It was a very valuable experience. I think it was the first time that I had had cognac, so my first cognac was a rare event. I have to thank my husband who treated me, but I have to say, 'Don't ask me about the taste.'


In Bordeaux, there was a lot to see without even going to a winery. The city has many historical buildings, so to protect the cityscape, trams in the town have no overhead electric line. I hear that the electricity is supplied only to the rails immediately below the tram and is cleverly switched on by the movement of the tram passing above.
At St Andre cathedral, my eyes were drawn to the pillars with colourful geometrical patterns, because I had assumed that pillars in churches were white or the colour of stone.
I was also surprised when I found Japanese whisky displayed at a wine shop into which we dropped.
On the way home, we bought wine by the case at a supermarket and filled our car. From my subsequent experience I can say that Bordeaux, the king of wines, is wonderful.
アングレーム城壁レース Angoulême Circuit Des Ramparts
Do you know of the city, Angoulême in France? It is famous for the International Comic Strip Festival (Shigeru Mizuki, a Japanese comic writer, won the grand prize in 2007), but I hadn't heard of it. The reason why I went there was not for comics but for the classic car race called Circuit Des Ramparts. The race is probably more famous in the UK- where classic car lovers live- than the Comic Festival.
Although I'm not interested in Formula 1 or any cars, I was all agog before the race because classic cars from various decades would race around the ramparts of the town, on the circuit which hasn't changed since 1939.
The racing drivers were those who love their classic cars. How much did it cost or how long did it take to maintain them? One of the oldest cars which raced was produced in 1927. Can you believe that 83-year-old cars ran the race in the middle of town? I felt the spirit of European people who cherish old things and ways.
あこがれのパリは人だらけ Paris was up to expectations but had many queues

I arrived in Paris, the city we Japanese wish to see. The Eiffel tower, the Louvre Museum, every tourist site was filled with visitors. As Paris is popular with people all over the world.
At the Eiffel tower, when we heard that we would have to queue for more than an hour to go up, we decided to move on.
At the Louvre, we had to queue to buy tickets but afterwards, inside, we could move freely. Only in front of 'the Mona Lisa', was there a large crowd of people, who were gathered to try to take a picture. They were restrained by a rope. I joined those people. Mona Lisa would see us with a cold smile on her lips.
The Louvre used to be a palace before Louis the Great left Paris and moved to Versailles in 1678, so the building itself is huge and magnificent. It is almost impossible to see it all in a day. During the French Revolution which started in 1789, they decided the building would be reused as a museum. So the history of the Louvre as a museum is also old.
We went on to the Palace of Versailles, outside Paris. Unfortunately we had to come back without seeing the gorgeous interior, because of awfully long queues. There was a queue to buy tickets, a queue to enter the palace with the tickets and then, a queue to use the ladies' bathroom. We didn't feel like queuing, so only entered the garden which was big enough to satisfy us. I only had to stay in a queue to use ladies for 20 minutes there.

Even though I was distressed by queues, Paris was still impressive and full of interest for me. I was happy simply to stroll about in the town. My favourite walks were the streets by the River Seine, lined with stalls to sell art works and the alleys near The Tertre Square in Montmartre area. Montmartre used to be a place where artists lived. Many street artists still come to The Tertre Square and make portraits of visitors.
And I just remembered 'pain aux raisins' in Paris were wonderful. The pastry or croissant, with coffee makes a typical French breakfast.
One is supposed to enjoy Paris. Despite the queues I thoroughly enjoyed sightseeing and the food there. With its tremendous appeal, it is inevitable that Paris has so many visitors.
アルプスの山にこもる―景色編― Away from it all in the mountains -Alpain scenery-
The beauty of the scenery in the Alps is amazing. The village where we stayed was 1850m above sea level. At the 3000m level, there was snow remaining still in the summer.
We tried to go to the border with Italy, but we gave up because snow closed the way and we didn't have the necessary heavy equipment for rock and ice climbing.
For two weeks, we walked and walked. One day on the glacier, another day under a big rock arch. I wish I could have stayed more in the beautiful mountains.
For two weeks, we walked and walked. One day on the glacier, another day under a big rock arch. I wish I could have stayed more in the beautiful mountains.
アルプスの山にこもる―動物編― Away from it all in the mountains -Alpine animals-


They make a warning sound like a loud squeak to let each other know about an impending danger. The sound they made alerted us to the presence of a large bird of prey. We found it watching marmots. Eventually it gave up and flew away. We were told later that it was a rare bird,- a bearded vulture.
A bearded vulture feeds mainly on bones of carcasses. It drops the bones from the sky to break them and then eats the bone marrow.
We saw several chamois, too. It was an animal watching spree on that walk.
アルプスの山にこもる―花編― Away from it all in the mountains-Alpine flowers-
We stayed in Val d'Isere in the mountains of the French Alps for a fortnight. It is a huge ski resort to which ski or snow board lovers are eager to go in the winter. To my surprise, they can ski to Italy. As for us in the summer, we enjoyed beautiful flowers and splendid views.
During our stay, luckily, we hiked everyday in nice weather. It was a bit late, -in mid July- for the best time for flowers, which was the latter half of June, nevertheless, we saw many unusual flowers.
I was especially happy that I saw two very rare plants in flower, an edelweiss and a wild lily, called lys de martagon. Edelweiss means 'noble white' in German. The flowers` petals had the texture of velvet so that I felt they were really noble. The number of them has decreased because of excessive picking for souvenirs or medical herbs, as a result they are rarely seen.
古代ローマ橋の下を泳ぐ Swim under the Roman Bridge

In southern France, there is a magnificent ancient Roman aqueduct called Pont du Gard (Gard Bridge). I couldn't hardly imagine it was more than 2000 years old when I saw it. The height is 49m, the length at the top is 275m. It was built as a part of the Roman water supply system for Nimes, the oldest Roman city in France. The total length of the system from the water source to Nimes was, believe it or not, about 50km. The amount of water supply was 2 million litres.

We jumped into the Gardon river over which the World Heritage Bridge is built. Then I had to swallow the water because I didn't hold my nose. The water was muddy but it wasn't so bad that I had any bellyache later. Now it is prohibited to swim under the bridge, but people can canoe through it. We can swim nearby but to dive into the river is prohibited.

The museum there shows the architectural techniques, the process, and so on, that were used. What impressed me the most was the video which traced the whole 50km-system. There is not only the huge Pont du Gard, but also some ruins remaining. Imagine, all those had been connected at that time, a thought which really amazed me. They made use of the difference of altitude to supply the water, so they built the system 50km long to go around hills, even though the distance as the crow flies was about 20km. The difference of the altitude was only 17m. I wondered how they managed to use such a slight slope. Just amazing.
城塞都市カルカソンヌ Fortified City of Carcassonne

In Carcassonne in France, there is a walled medieval city which is perfectly restored. The whole town is surrounded by double walls, 3km in length with a castle and cathedral inside. There are also many tourist traps such as hotels, restaurants, or souvenir shops. It's not bad idea to fall into a trap because they make us feel as if we have traveled back to medieval times there.
At the information office, a guide said that there were only four star hotels or a youth hostel in the castle, so we stayed outside the walls in the new town. The view at night of the floodlit castle was magnificent.

カルカソンヌの名前の由来を説明する伝説があります。At the information office, a guide said that there were only four star hotels or a youth hostel in the castle, so we stayed outside the walls in the new town. The view at night of the floodlit castle was magnificent.


There is a legend which explains the origin of the name, Carcassonne.
Charlemagne had laid siege to the city for five years. Then at the beginning of the 6th year, there was a shortage of food and water. Princess Carcas -the city leader following the death of her husband, - asked what food stocks remained and was told there was only a pig and a bag of wheat. She then had the idea of feeding the pig with the wheat and throwing it over the outer wall.
Charlemagne and his men, thinking the city was so full of supplies that a pig could be wasted, lifted the siege. Carcas rang bells for the victory and one of the retreating Charlemagne's men exclaimed: "Carcas sonne!" (Carcas rings), hence the name of the city.
It is a bold plan like the one called 'a plot of an empty castle' in the record of the Three Kingdoms of old China. (The empty castle caused suspicion of ambushes.)
The city was occupied by Muslims at that time so they couldn't eat a pig anyway. Whatever really happened, the castle has 2500 years of interesting history.
スペインの宿泊城 A Castle in Spain
In Spain, there are government managed hotels called 'Paradors'. They were originally old castles or religious houses and have been modified to provide accommodation.
I was treated to a stay in an Arab fortress which was built in the eighth century. What a luxurious once in a lifetime experience! Actually, the castle was destroyed once after Christians reconquered that area and rebuilt in the fourteenth century. Even so, it was very old. The rooms were beautifully restored and had bathrooms. I don't think there was a bathroom there in the past, so I was amazed how they designed and refurbished the rooms in such an elegant style.
I guess they have had well-developed architectural techniques for the restoration, rebuilding and reuse of such old places, for a long time. Whilst in Japan, wooden buildings would be easily burnt down, Spanish stone buildings would be hard to destroy and wouldn't rot. As a result, many of those old Spanish stone structures have been reused and preserved.
In France, they also reuse old buildings as hotels. Chains include 'Chateaux & Hotel or "Relais et Chateau'. In the UK, both the National Trust and Landmark Trust offer old and interesting historical accommodation.
In Japan, one is unlikely to be able to stay in a castle. There are some temples with rooms where one can have green tea and sweets but not accommodation. So it might be good to found temple hotels called 'Terado' ('Tera' and 'Do' mean 'temple' in Japanese.) using 'Paradors' as an example to follow. However, I cannot recommend that the Japanese government runs the hotels.
The next morning, we "gave up" our fortress and made our way towards the french border. On the way in the mountains, we found pool in a river and jumped in for a dip. We felt tired so we stayed overnight in a small village in the mountains. Guess what? It was the day of the semi-final of the World Cup soccer, Spain vs. Germany. We watched the game on the big TV in a small pub with Spanish people. I was glad and relieved Spain won.
The next morning, there were people gathering in front of the TV. I thought they were watching a re-run of the exciting soccer game, but in fact, it was a report from the Fiesta of San Fermin; the Running of the Bulls Festival. You may have seen it on TV. It is a famous, crazy festival in which people run in front of bulls in the narrow streets of Pamplona. Many of them get injured every year. I didn't know the running of bulls is held every morning at eight for a week during the festival.
In the heat, with the football and fiestas, the Spanish people were frenetic and excited. Spain was a hot country, full of interest.
モスクと教会の境界 Mosque and church architecture clash

Granada, Seville and Cordoba are three major cities in which Islamic culture had flourished in Andalusia, Spain. Cordoba was a capital and became the largest city in Europe in the tenth century with over 500,000 people.
We visited the 'Mezquita' in Cordoba. This Moorish building was originally a mosque but was converted into a cathedral. I have also seen 'Hagia Sophia' in Istanbul, which was built as a cathedral and changed into a mosque, so I was very interested in how the opposite change would look.

Inside the Mezquita, there were many two-tiered red-and white striped horseshoe shaped arches on columns in the massive semi-dark room. The atmosphere was magical and amazed me.
Going to the inner part, I found the cathedral was unnaturally attached to the arches. I don't know why they built it there. Perhaps they regretted destroying the mosque's beauty or perhaps they wanted to create a inspirational cathedral as a symbol of their triumph over the Muslims. I think the plan to insert a cathedral in a mosque would be more difficult than to build it on a new site. Anyway I didn't think the different architecture suited the mosque.
The Islamic mihrab -prayer n
Considering 'Hagia Sophia', the whole cathedral building had been changed into a mosque, whilst the 'Mezquita' looked like a mosque into which a cathedral had been centrally inserted. Some people criticized the insertion for destroying the beautiful Islamic arts. However I also sensed the mystery of the history there, where two different prayer places exist together.
Inside the Mezquita it was cool because of its stone-built structure.So we were able to look around at our leisure . The temperature outside that day was 41.5 degrees. Later I heard that the next day a heat wave warning was issued in the area and the temperature went up to 43 degrees, which caused several mortalities. I was lucky I visited Cordoba on not so hot a day.
アルハンブラの思い出 Memories of Alhambra
We went south to Andalusia. This region retains remarkable architecture from the eight centuries of Islamic rule. I didn't even know Spain had been an Islamic country once. I was amazed at the historical sites as well as at the strong summer sunshine in southern Spain.

We visited Granada. In 711, the Moors-Muslims from northwestern Africa- entered and ruled over the Iberian Peninsula. Gradually the Christians reconquered Spain with the 'Reconquista' ending in Granada in 1492. So Granada was the capital of the last Islamic kingdom there. The palace of that kingdom is the Alhambra, one of the World Heritage sites. The wonderful Islamic arts survived the Reconquista by being reused. You may have heard the famous guitar music, 'Recuerdos de la Alhambra:Memories of the Alhambra', though not heard the name of Alhambra itself.
Their special patterns of tiles and intricate plaster works, especially the honeycomb dome, were fantastic.


After the Alhambra, we visited a cathedral in Granada's town centre. The cathedral was built there after the demolition of a mosque.
We found a statue of a gallant knight whose horse is trampling a person. I was surprised that in the cathedral, there was the statue of a fighter who was killing a man, even though it might be a memorial for the reconquest of Granada. Later I looked up who he was and became more surprised. The statue is probably Santiago-Matamoros, St. James-the Muslim killer. He is a patron saint in Spain, a symbol of the Reconquista in which Christians fought Muslims. I sensed severe history there.
ハビアのカーニバル Carnival in Xabia


After visiting Barcelona, we drove along the coast to Javea Xabia, the next destination, arriving at 2 o'clock in the morning.
Xabia was once a small fishing village and is now a beach resort which many people; especially people from the UK, visit to enjoy Spain's sunshine. In the seaside area, you can hear English conversation very frequently. In Spain, they have a siesta, which is a time for an afternoon nap, from 1:00 to 4:00, to avoid the heat. Afterwards, they work again until late evening. As the famous Noel Coward sang:\ 'Only mad dogs and Englishmen go out in the midday sun.
We, a mad Englishman and a mad Japanese, went out to the old part of the town in the strong midday sunshine. By chance, we found that the fiesta of 'Saint Joan' was to be held, so decided to come again in the evening to see the dance.
A leaflet said the dance would start at 10:00pm. However in true Spanish tradition, it didn't start on time. Twenty minutes late, they began dancing to the sound of horns and drums. It was the end of June and warm enough for a short-sleeved shirt. The dancers with traditional dress soon became sweaty. The dancers don't tap their shoes like flamenco, but use castanets. After the dancing, we went back without waiting for the firework display at midnight because we hadn't had a siesta. The night in Spain is long.

The next day we went to see a parade, when various floats proceeded through the streets. There were children with cute costumes and women with traditional gorgeous dress on each float. They were sitting on them, not dancing like they do at the carnival in Rio, but they looked dressed-up and happy.
I was lucky to see the local festival. It wasn't so bad to go out at midday like a mad dog with an Englishman. Above all, I could enjoy a cold beer afterwards.
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