そして「まめに暮らせるように」食べる黒豆の代わりに、枝豆サラダ。イギリスのスーパーで冷凍グリンピーズのとなりに冷凍枝豆「EDAMAME BEANS」を発見した時は、小躍りして喜びました。大好物なんです。ちなみにあずき「ADZUKI BEANS」も缶で売られていて手に入ります。
For the New Year, I cooked the following Japanese foods/dishes in a western arrangement, using ingredients available in the UK.
Red-and-white pickles, which represent good luck, are usually made from carrot and daikon- Japanese radish. I used celery instead of daikon, and also mixed in smoked salmon.
Datemaki is made from egg and ground fish meat and its shape is like a scroll, which implies advancement of culture. I wound egg around seafood sticks and cheese, which wasn't like a scroll but at least was rolled.
Black soy beans signify diligence. I made edamame- young soy beans- in the salad instead of black ones. When I found frozen 'edamame beans' next to frozen peas in the supermarket, I jumped for joy because they are one of my favourite Japanese foods. Incidentally, we can buy tinned 'adzuki beans' which are a Japanese foodstuff usually used for confections in the supermarket.
Kobumaki, a kelp roll signifies joy. We enjoyed a genuine Japanese kobumaki which my parents kindly sent me. In the UK it's not common to eat seaweed.
Prawns with a bent back are symbols of long life as their bent backs represent elderly people. I used only a few tiny frozen prawns and put them on mushrooms. In addition, I made a terrine to increase the variety of dishes.
The picture below is of my parents' Japanese New Year dishes. They are genuine, colourful and appetizing.