When Mount Vesuvius erupted in AD 79, the nearby ancient Roman towns, such as
Pompei and Herculaneum were engulfed by volcanic ash and pyroclastic flows. They have been excavated since the 18th century. The remains, which are peerless in the world, give us a glimpse of life in the Early Roman Empire, .

First we visited Pompeii, about 30 minutes away from Naples by train. It took us the whole day to walk around the town whose population used to be about 10,000. I would recommend you to go to the National Archeological Museum in Naples before visiting Pompeii. The museum stores many frescoes and mosaics in excellent condition which I could hardly believe were about 2000 years old. Incidentally, there is a secret room in the museum, which has the towns' erotic frescoes and objects. Pompeii's ruins would have been too large for me to walk through without getting bored, if I hadn't seen the museum collection, which kindled my imagination of the sophisticated lifestyle at that time.
The following day we went to Herculaneum, which was smaller and better
preserved. There were some frescoes and mosaics left on the spot, which
gave us a more vivid impression of the ancient civilized culture. It is
said that Pompeii was a commercial town while Herculaneum was a holiday
resort for rich Romans.

There were public baths for males and females separately, with a
hanging room and pubs for serving wine and food with marble counters.
There were also some dining places as it was not customary to have lunch
at home at that time. The ancient city life looked little different to
modern village life without electricity.

Later we also visited Oplontis, a villa near Pompeii. There were buildings with sumptuously decorated walls and floors, while there were areas for slaves where the service corridors were painted with black and white stripes.
The eruption must have been nothing other than a tragedy at that time. Nevertheless, because it stopped time in those towns, we could see their lifestyle 2000 years later. What an exciting experience !