
オープンカー Open cars



In England, the weather is unreliable, so people try to make the most of sunny spells. For example, they play water sports or drive open cars even if it's chilly.

In fact, I had thought that those who drive open cars and endure the cold from pride were absolutely nuts. However I found it wonderfully refreshing after my first ride in an open car.
It was an absolutely wonderful drive in a classic, 38-year-old British sports car. I looked at beautiful scenery, with wind blowing through my hair and listen music loudly on the air. Now I understand why many people are nuts about open cars.


クリームティー Cream tea




We often see a sign which says 'cream tea' at a cafe here. I thought it was tea with floating cream on it.

One day Nigel bought me cream tea. In fact, 'cream tea' means a set of tea and scorn with cream and jam. They eat scorns with clotted cream, which is special in Cornwall. It looks like butter cream for me, rich and creamy. I enjoyed typical English afternoon tea in a cafe in a beautiful garden.

People here usually drink tea with milk (and with sugar as you like). To my surprise, some people bring milk tea in a water bottle and drink after exercise. It's disagreeable for me, actually. I guess it's the same thing as Japanese people take green tea in a water bottle for a hike.