
水浸しのヴェネツィア(ヴェニス) Watery Venice


After Florence, we left for Venice, the city on water. From the 6th century, people moved to the lagoon to escape from savage tribes. They knocked many stakes into the mud of the lagoon and built houses on them. The town eventually grew into a marine nation, building up a vast fortune by the trade with the Orient.


There are no roads for cars in the city so people use boats or walk. Nowadays there is a causeway which links the mainland to the entrance of the city, where there is a car park. We decided not to drive along the causeway but to get a train. It was as if the train were running on the sea, which was very exciting.


We walked to a hotel from the train station. The way was like a maze. We studied the town map, as we moved through small alleys and crossed several bridges over small canals. There are many towns which have canals in the world but it was the first time that I saw a town which had only canals instead of roads for cars.


The gondolas, are unique traditional boats propelled with a pole and are popular with tourists. They are like tourist taxis. We got on a ferry and saw Gondolas moving on canals, giving us the rich atmosphere of Venice.
It was out of the tourist season but there were still throngs of visitors. I heard that if the weather is cold and wet one can feel let down because the buildings look shabby and unattractive. However, I had never seen such an unique city so I was impressed all the time during my stay. I wasn't expecting to have wonderful, fine, weather as well.


I wonder how they maintain those buildings in water. The foundation stakes don't seem to have a long life. Also I wonder where the fresh water comes from and where the sewage goes. Venice was a mysterious city beyond my imagination.
It is said that the town would sink if the water level rises by the influence of the environment changes. I hope it will be preserved by some good watertight plans.


フィレンツェの誘惑 Tempting Florence


One of the pleasures of a trip to Italy is the Italian cuisine. As we were walking around in Florence in the morning, we found colourful and attractive food in showcases here and there, which was untouched and waiting to be eaten by tourists. I fell for the temptation of heaped assorted gelati and cornets stacked artistically. I was the first customer who broke those beautiful heaps. It was delicious.

2、一皿目の料理(プリモ・ピアットPrimo piatto)パスタやリゾット、スープなど。
3、二皿目の料理(セコンド・ピアットSecondo piatto)肉、魚を中心としたメインデッシュ

えー? メインの前にパスタを食べるの??パスタの後に肉や魚??食べられるかー!という感じ。私は1品とデザートでもう満腹でした。(フルコースは一度も頼んでいません。)ちなみに頼まなくてもパン とグリッシーニ(細長いクラッカー)が勝手についてきます。パンとパスタは両方いらない!というのが日本人ではないでしょうか。メニューにはピザ もありますが、そのピザがまた大きい!!日本で頼むデリバリーピザの2~3人前の大きさを一人で食べるのです。小さな子供も。どうやってみんな体重をキー プしているんでしょう。イタリア人って太っているイメージありませんが・・・。


Actually, I ate too much on this Italian trip. Food showcases and menus at restaurants tempted me to eat a lot. Let me show you a typical but surprising Italian menu.

1. Antipasto, appetizer
Primo piatto, first dish ; pasta, risotto, soup etc.
Secondo piatto, second dish ; main dish such as meat or fish
Contorno ; vegetable as a side dish
5, Dolce, dessert

What! After pasta, eat a main dish? How could I manage to eat it all up? For we Japanese, pasta is a sort of main meal. I had had enough with only one dish and a dessert. At restaurants they always served bread and Grissini,- long crackers - before the dishes. Normally Japanese people don't eat bread and pasta together. Furthermore, I was surprised by the size of the pizza. It was huge; the same size as a Japanese delivery pizza for 2-3 people. They eat it for one, as do small children. I wonder how they keep their weight down? I don't understand why Italian people aren't fat.

Too much carbohydrate. Honestly, I got fat during this trip. It was difficult to avoid because Italian food is so tasty.


フィレンツェの輝き Glorious Florence


We arrived in Florence in the evening after leaving Pisa. Florence is the city where the Renaissance, the artistic and cultural reawakening blossomed in the middle ages.
At that time, Florence became the cultural heart of Europe under the influence of the Medici, a fabulously wealthy family. They succeeded in banking and became the real political power in Florence. They also added much to the development of the Renaissance as patrons of many artists such as Botticelli, Michelangelo, or Leonardo da Vinci. I wonder how much wealth they had? It is surprising that later the family became the dukes of the Grand Duchy of Tuscany, the state containing Florence.


The historic centre in Florence, the old artistic capital, is listed as a UNESCO World Heritage site and has plenty to see. We stayed near the centre and went sightseeing on foot.
First, we went across the Ponte Vecchio, which means the "old bridge" in Italian. It is the oldest surviving bridge in Florence, built in 1345 and has many shops lining the street on it. It was originally the domain of blacksmiths, butchers and tanners. After a time, they were evicted because of their noise and the stench they made. Then, jewellers and goldsmiths replaced them to suit the desires of the palace occupants near there. Now, jewellery and gold still sparkle on the bridge, as do the flashlights of visitors' cameras.


We visited the Duomo -Santa Maria del Foire Cathedral, which is the tallest building in the city. It had a distinctive huge red brick dome and the walls were richy decorated with white, green and pink marble and exquisite reliefs, which looked gorgeous, just like a palace.
The adjoining San Giovanni Baptistry is older and much smaller than the cathedral. However, the 13th century mosaics on the ceiling made a strong impression. The wonderful religious pictures was sparking gold and telling some stories. I felt comfortable in the small place and enjoyed looking up to the masterpiece, whereas, for me, the cathedral dome was too high to see the wonderful ceiling paintings.
The Baptistry is also famous for its east doors by Lorenzo Ghiberti. He was chosen to make a set of new doors after a competition that involved seven leading artists. It is said that Michelangelo dubbed them the "Gate of Paradise." The original doors are exhibited in a museum.



Florence is called a museum city without roof. Undoubtedly, there are priceless artworks everywhere. The square, Piazza della Signoria confirms the expression perfectly. It has many statues in the open air, including the outstanding "David" by Michelangelo in front of the palace, Palazzo Vecchio. It is a copy but still provides a grand sight. I saw the original in a museum. The height was 5.17m. It looked rather large without the palace background.
Florence has kept the splendour and hasn't lost the glory. It was a stunning glorious city.


ピサの斜塔にのぼる Climbing the Leaning Tower in Pisa


I finally achieved a long held dream! I saw the world-famous leaning tower in Pisa! As I passed through the entrance gate, I imagined the tower would soar to the sky in full view in front of us.... Well, actually it looked smaller than I had thought. That was because there were the big domed Baptistry and the Duomo in front of it. To tell the truth, I had imagined that the tower would stand alone in the square. As we came closer, I realised it was much higher than the Baptistry and obviously leaning.



The restoration work to stop the tower leaning more and more had continued for 20 years and had just finished several days before we visited. We were very lucky to see the polished white tower without any scaffolding.

We made the most of this special opportunity even though our ticket to climb up the tower necessitated a three hour wait. The delay was understandable because they can't allow too many people to climb it at once. The stairway, which has about 300 steps, was so narrow that two people could barely pass each other. The top gave a sweeping view of the area. The big Duomo and Baptistry were under our eyes. There were several bells in the tower as it was built as a campanile. It was a valuable experience - I could feel the tilt and enjoy the view.


It is said that the new foundations will have to last for 300 years. The works reduced the inclination from 5.5 to 4 degrees, although it still feels a lot more. It might have been intentional that it wasn't fully straightened up. Perhaps it was thought better that the new-brushed white tower would keep leaning and attracting people.


チンクエ・テッレの道 The path of Cinque Terre


We left Genoa and arrived in Cinque Terre, which in Italian means five lands. There are five separate villages on the coast. The main means of travel between them is by train, boat or cliff footpath.
We stayed in Monterosso al Mare, the westernmost town and walked on the path through wonderful scenery. The area is one of the UN World Heritage sites.


The path was quite steep. We went up and down along the narrow cliff path, which showed us the dramatic coastline. I was amazed when we saw the isolated villages with their colourful houses.
The inhabitants have made terraced fields out of the infertile land on the steep, rocky, cliffs and have grown vines. The vines have fewer grapes than normal but with a more concentrated flavour and sugar content. It is said that in the olden days the resulting wine had been highly valued by the nobility.


After considering the time and our stamina, we decided to return by train from the third village. To get the train station, we had to walk down terribly long stairs which zigzaged down the cliff from the village. I don't want to even think about going up from the station to the village with a heavy travelling bag for a stay in the village. We walked more than three hours to get there but the train needed only 10min to take us back, by passing through tunnels.


It costs 6 euros (extra for the weekend) to walk the path. The train ticket costs 1.8 euros.
It takes about 5 hours (possibly more) to walk the whole path from the first to the fifth village. The train takes just 30 minutes. Nevertheless I recommend that you walk to see the views.


ちょこっとジェノヴァを味わう A short visit to Genoa


We left Turin, turning south to go to Genoa on the coast. Now, Genoa is the biggest port in Italy. It used to flourish as the capital of a marine state, and rivalled Pisa and Venice in the old days.


We enjoyed walking down old narrow streets where we found the black and white striped Duomo, the cathedral of San Lorenzo. The Gothic facade dates from the early 13th century. Two guardian lions in the front of the facade greeted us with embarrassed faces.


We came across on the house where Christopher Columbus may have lived. It is said that his childhood in Genoa let him discover his passion for the sea. Even the airport is named after him.


I had heard the name Genoa before, but at first couldn't remember why. Later I realised it came from the eponymous sauce, which is a famous Italian sauce made from Basil. Although we missed a chance to taste Genoese cuisine in its homeland, I was very pleased that we got a chance to walk around the lovely old town, even for a short time.


トリノへの道 The road to Turin


We decided to do a detour to Italy on the way home when we left Val d'Isere. Usually the nearest mountain pass is closed to cars (not skiers) until June because of snow. So we took a different route and passed through the incredibly expensive toll tunnel to cross the border. It is called the Frejus Road Tunnel. It is 13km long and costs 36.5 euros one way, as much as a Disneyland ticket.



What I knew about Turin was only that it had hosted the 2006 Winter Olympics. Actually I couldn't find any traces of the Olympics there. Before we found the centre, we drove down an extremely long straight street, which had concrete buildings lining both sides and was frankly unattractive.

Turin is an industrial city where Fiat, the top car company in Italy is based. Nagoya, Japan, is a sister city to Turin, which might be connected to Toyota, the giant car company in Japan. Anyway, Turin seems not to be a popular tourist destination. However, Turin was the first capital city of Italy, so there are many attractions in the old town centre. I hear that the 150th anniversary of the founding of Italy was held there in March, 2011.


As we were driving into the centre, we caught sight of an unique tall tower, the Mole Antonelliana. It was lit with the Italian flag colours at night. It is used as the Cinema Museum.  


My husband told me that the Turin shroud in the Duomo was famous. For centuries the shroud was said to have wrapped the body of the Christ after his crucifixion. It was a mysterious cloth on which his wounds and face had been vaguely imprinted.
After all that time the myth was exploded in 1988. The carbon-dating test showed that it dates back to no more than 12th century. Nevertheless the shroud remains an object of religious veneration. In Medieval times, many Christians visited Turin to pay homage to the shroud.


We found a dead-end sign in the city. It had the figure of the Christ crucified on the normal T sign for a dead end. The arrows above it appeared to be asking - Are you going to heaven or hell?


アルプスで春スキー Skiing in the Alps in spring

車をひたすら走らせ、ついに目的地、ヴァルディゼールにたどり着きました。ここはフランスアルプスの巨大なスキーリゾート(エスパス キリー)がある町で、標高1850m。私は北海道出身なので雪には慣れているんですが、このアルプスの山々のスケールと美しさには圧倒されました。

After long driving, we finally arrived Val d'Isere, 1850m above sea level, where is a part of the huge ski resort Espace Killy in the French Alps. I was amazed at the scale and the beautiful mountain ranges even though I'm used to snow in my hometown, Hokkaido, Japan.


It was the end of April. When we got to the bottom of the mountain, the temperature was 26 degrees Celsius. I wondered whether there were enough snow to ski, but just like high mountains, we could still enjoy skiing at high places, like 3000m. It was sunny and warm day after day during our stay, while in mid winter the temperature drops down to -40 degrees. Some low slopes were closed because of shortage of snow, but there were still so many places impossible to ski all in a day. Skiing in the grand Alps without being frozen. It was like a dream for me. (The photo on the right was the train which takes skiers up to the mountain about 1000m higher. The thermometer read 14 degrees on that day!!)


It seemed that it had been unusually warm so that we could also enjoy walking in the mountain. New leaves and wild flowers were just beginning to come out there, which was just breathtaking.