
アルザスを味わう A taste of Alsace


We went to Kaysersberg in the Alsace region of north-eastern France. As a border region, Alsace has been fought over for centuries by France and Germany. The town's name, Kayersberg means 'Emperor's mountain' in German. 


Alsace is renowned for its wine and its unique traditional costume. Hansi, an artist from Colmar, drew attractive characters wearing the costume, which has made it well-known. We saw souvenirs with his illustrations at many shops. Charming half-timbered houses were attractive features of the town, which was the same in Colmar which we had visited before.


Speaking of food, a unique shaped cake, Kouglof is a special product in Alsace. That is actually popular food in Germany and Austria as well. A whole one was too big to try, but I got a chance to eat a piece for breakfast in a hotel. It was like a cross between cake and bread.


Sauerkraut, known as a German speciality, is also popular there. I tried one with a variety of sausages and bacon at a restaurant. My plate was heaped full of sauerkraut and hearty meat products on the top. I could only manage to eat half, although it was delicious.


アヴィニョン Avignon


After leaving Corsica, we visited Avignon, the main city of the Provence region in southern France.
Since Pope Clement V moved the papal court to Avignon in 1309, having been encouraged by the scheming of Philippe IV of France, 7 Popes had lived there by 1377. I didn't know the papal court had been away from Rome.

まずは教皇庁に。 教皇が住んでいたくらいだから豪華壮麗な宮殿だろうと想像していたのですが、内部はがらんとして壁がむき出しになった部屋がたくさんあるだけ。それもそのはず、1789年のフランス革命で、ほぼ全ての調度品、装飾品は破壊、もしくは盗まれてしまったのです。観光客の視点から言うとちょっとがっかり。宮殿というより、要塞のような雰囲気でした。

First, we visited the Palais des Papes, the Papal Palace, in anticipation of seeing a gorgeous palace appropriate for Popes. However, there were many bare rooms without furniture or ornaments, exposing stone walls inside. That was because virtually all the furnishings and works of art had been destroyed or looted following the Revolution of 1789. From a tourist's point of view, it was rather dull. It looked like a huge fortress rather than a palace.  


Then we went to see The Pont Saint Benezet, the Avignon Bridge, which is well-known thanks to a children's song, Sur la pont d'Avignon (Under the Bridge of Avignon). It is called "bridge" but it has no connection to the other side of the river. It used to be 900m length with 22 arches but having been damaged by battles or floods several times, its restoration finally stopped.


コルシカ島:崖の上に建つ町 A town on cliffs in Corsica


A member of staff at our hotel said, 'Without visiting Bonifacio, you cannot say you have been to Corsica.' So we visited Bonifacio, at the southern end of Corsica. The town built on sheer cliffs, was certainly unique and impressive.
We noticed one house right on the end of the cliff, was up for sale. Although the town was very attractive, I would be too nervous to live there, considering the cliff might fall down some day.




Corsica had been controlled by different Italian nations successively, when in 1755 following years of struggle it started to run its own affairs under Pasquale Paoli. However in 1769 it was "sold" to Louis XV of France by the Italian Genoese.  As a consequence, the Corsicans have resented France ever since.

In Corsica, road signs are written in both French and Corsican. We saw that some patriotic Corsicans had blotted out the French words on some of the signs. Although Corsica is mostly living on tourism, some Corsicans have a very insular character. But thanks to that, its wild beauty has been preserved.

When we arrived in Bastia in Corsica, we had to stay on the ferry for three hours, because there was a rumour that a bomb was about to blow up in the port. I didn't know what was going on in reality because I don't understand French, but the incident may have been caused by some extreme separatists.  

コルシカ島:山羊と奇妙な岩達 Mountain goats and strange rocks in Corsica



On the way to our next hotel in Propriano, we had a picnic by a road with a picturesque view. Then a herd of mountain goats with vigorous appetites came along the road, enjoying eating grass and passed by.

Goat cheese is one of the Corsican  specialities so we bought one, one day. It tasted unusual to me. Other specialities include biscuits and cakes   made from chestnut powder. I didn't try them. Instead, I had a delicious chestnut cream pasta and a bottle of local chestnut beer called Pietra. Pasta is popular food there because Corsica used to be within the Italian sphere of influence.

さて、翌日のウォーキングのメインはやはりなんといっても岩。 独特の岩がある風景にすっかり魅了されてしまいました。

The rocks were the special feature on the walk the next day. Their odd shapes in the landscape fascinated us. 


コルシカ島:岩の要塞 A fort of rock in Corsica

犬岩 the Dog Rock

There are numerous strange rocks in Corsica. We had planned to go for a walk to 
要塞岩 the Fort Rock
a watch tower built on a peninsula but on the way there in the car, we found one of them, it was called the Dog Rock.  We decided to break our journey and explore. From the Dog Rock, we took a footpath to the Fort Rock. We were amazed by the odd landscape. The Fort Rock was a huge square lump like a fortress. It seemed to be only  accessible by rock-climbing or by helicopter, but we were  happy to see it in the distance.


After our rock visits there was not much time left, nevertheless, we made for our initial  destination, the watch tower. Despite having been told that it would take as least three hours to get there and back, we were still determined to get there even though it was already 4pm. Walking up and down and climbing a rocky hill, at last we managed to reach the tower on the top. The view with the sea on three sides was breathtaking. Then we made our way back home and flopped.            

コルシカ島:崖と峡谷 Cliffs and gorges in Corsica


We moved to the next destination, Porto, sited at the head of Golfe de Porto, which is one of the UNESCO World Heritage Sites for the sake of its flora and fauna. On the way there, we passed through narrow roads, between or by sheer cliffs. The views were absolutely fantastic although I would never ever dream to drive by myself.


We went for a walk from Ota, aiming for a beautiful stone bridge built about 300 years ago. We lost our way as we had no map, but fortunately someone appeared in the middle of nowhere and told us the way. Quite unexpectedly, he just came alone by car and returned as soon as he had showed us the way, as if he had come there especially for us. Thanks to that kind local man, we found two stone arch bridges and walked along two nearby gorges, which were so beautiful that we forgot our fatigue.    


コルシカ島:辺境のビーチ A remote beach in Corsica


Having been asked what was the most beautiful place in France that he had visited, one French gentleman said, 'It is difficult to choose...but I'd say Corsica.' So, we decided to go there. Corsica is an island off the south of France and a popular holiday destination, especially for beach lovers in summer. We went there at the end of April when many flowers were out and thoroughly enjoyed the beautiful island without crowds of tourists.
最初に滞在した場所はセントフロレント。そこで、車ではたどり着けない(4WDなら可能)島で最も美しいと言われるビーチを目指して、海岸沿いを歩きました。途中、太ももまで水につか らないと渡れない場所があり、水着に着替えて進みました。到着したビーチは海藻まみれで最高に美しいとは思えなかったのですが、 絶景を望みながらのウォーキングは最高でした。往復8時間ほどかけて、歩く価値ありです。せっかく水着を持参したので、帰りに誰もいない小さなビーチで泳ぐことに。その日は半袖で歩けるくらいの暖かさ でしたが、海の水は冷たくて1分で限界でした。でもこんなきれいな色をした海だったら泳ぎたくなっちゃいますよね。

First, we stayed in St Florent and went for a walk to a remote beach described as the most beautiful beach in Corsica. It is only accessible on foot or by 4WD car. On the way, the path went through a seawater channel, so we had to change into swimming suits. The water level was above my sighs.
At the end, our goal was covered with seaweed and didn't look like an extremely beautiful beach. Nevertheless, the footpath along the delightful coast was definitely worth walking. It took us about 8 hours to go and come back. On the return, because we had brought our swimming suits, we tried swimming at a small beach. It was warm enough to walk in short sleeves that day but the sea water was too cold to swim for more than a minute. You might think we were mad but if you saw that clear blue water, you also wouldn't be able to resist jumping into the sea, perhaps.