
古いボジョレ・ヌーボー Old Beaujolais Nouveau


Nouveau means new in French. Beaujolais Nouveau is the first Beaujolais wine of the season, released for sale every year on the third Thursday of November. The day is marked by parties, fireworks and other festivities in France. The tradition of drinking the wines so young is said to be rooted in the 19th century.


I witnessed the Beaujolais Nouveau craze in Japan every year, whereas I haven't seen any Beaujolais Nouveau bottle on sale or on an advertisement since I moved to the UK. The craze in the UK seemed to die down as the sales slipped from 742,000 bottles in 1999 to 107,000 in 2011. Perhaps, the fresh light wine is not quite to the British taste. The Beaujolais traders must have made a considerable success in the Japanese market since Japan is now the biggest Beaujolais Nouveau importing country. I assume the fruity taste suits Japanese food as well as Japanese people, moreover, we Japanese are pushovers for the words 'on sale for limited time only'.

先日、物置で1本ボジョレー・ヌーボーのボトルを発見しました。 それはなんと1993年もの。そう21年前のボジョレーが!赤ワインは成熟しておいしくなるものもありますが、ボジョレー・ヌーボーはおいしくなってはいないようでした。21年前のボジョレーを飲んだのことがあるのはたぶん日本で私だけかも。ある意味貴重な体験。

The other day, I discoverd a Beaujolais Nouveau bottle in our storeroom. It said 1993... so it was 21 years old!! Some red wine becomes better as it matures but the Beaujolais Nouveau seemed not to have made any progress. Perhaps I am the only Japanese who has tasted 21 year-old Beaujolais Nouveau. It was a sort of invaluable experience.


教会囲い地 Parish closes

サン・テゴネック St-Thegonnec

We went to see so-called parish closes. They are characteristic rural religious architecture in Brittany, built during the 16th-18th centuries. A parish close normally contains a church, a calvary, an ossuary, a cemetery and a triumphal gate. It is a church complex enclosed by a wall, so as to speak.
ギミリオーのカルヴェールCalvary in Guimiliau

The calvary is unique to Brittany and provides a walk-around Bible lesson. The Guimiliau's calvary has almost 200 figures. Stained glass windows often depict Bible stories, which was for the illiterate masses, but I hadn't seen that type of storyteller before.


Altarpiece in Lampaul-Guimiliau
To be honest, I didn't expect to see such elaborate works in the rural areas. All the three parish closes we went -Guimiliau, Lampaul-Guimiliau, St-Thegonnec- were remarkable. 


At that time, Brittany had few urban centres but many wealthy settlements which profited from maritime trading and the manufacture of cloth. Not only spiritual zeal, but also rivalry with their neighbours drove small villages to painstakingly build such structures. Some took over 200 years to complete. Tremendous.  

エメラルド海岸 Emerald Coast



We headed to Côte d'Emeraude, the Emerald Coast in north Brittany. This attractive name was invented a century ago to refer to the stretch of coast between the bays of Mont-St-Michel and St-Brieuc.

Our first stop was Erquy, where we chanced upon a riding competition held on the extensive sandy beach. We mingled with the spectators, watching the elegant horses with the blue sea in the background for a little while. 


Then we drove along the coast and found a fabulous coastal footpath. The scenery was just breathtaking. There were several gorgeous sandy beaches under our eyes. We brought our swimwear with us, of course. The water was a bit chilly, or I could say, very refreshing. Nevertheless, we were blessed with sunshine, which was warm enough for swimming at the end of September.


Someday, I would like to go along all the Emerald Coast.


カルナック巨石群 Carnac Stones


Carnac is a small village in southern Brittany with more than 3000 prehistoric standing stones. The Carnac Stones were erected during the Neolithic period which lasted 4500 BC to 2000 BC. It's difficult to date, but most were thought to be erected around 3300 BC. Their original purpose remains obscure.


Besides the famous alignments, parallel rows of menhirs (standing stones) stretching more than one kilometer, there were many other Megalithic sites around the area, such as dolmen, which were used as burial chambers. I hadn't even heard of Carnac but those sites were quite awe-inspiring. 


カンペール(ブルターニュ地方) Quimper in Brittany


The end of our journey was in Brittany, northwest of France. Our friends kindly let us use their place there, which was an ideal base to explore the surrounding area. It is said that the name Brittany (Bretagne in French) derives from the Briton, Celtic people who settled in ancient Britain before the Romans came. Some Britons were pushed out of 'the land of Britons'' by the Anglo-Saxons and went cross to present-day Brittany, and others fled to the west and southwest, which are the current Wales and Cornwall in Great Britain. Celtic culture still remains in these areas.

We visited Quimper, the ancient capital of Cornouaille, whose name is cognate with Cornwall. The cathedral and half-timbered houses were very attractive. The traditional buildings increase in size from the ground floor to the roof. How unbalanced! There were many shops displaying their local specialty- hand-painted pottery. The designs were classic and charming.


Then we went to the westernmost point of France, Pointe de Raz, which juts into the Atlantic. The ragged landscape looked very similar to the Land's end in Cornwall, the westernmost point of mainland Britain. But the long and narrow headland sticking out into the sea was more dramatic.  


ポーとビアリッツ Pau and Biarritz


We drove across the Pyrenees to France and stayed in Pau. Pau is the capital of the Bearn region and has been a favourite resort of affluent foreigners, especially the English, since the 19th century, owing to the mild weather in autumn and winter.


We visited Châteaux de Pau, which is famous as the birthplace of King Henry IV of France and Navarra(1553-1610). He was instrumental in ending the Wars of Religion and was the first of the Bourbon dynasty. Admired for his gallantry, he has been popular as a great king since his reign up to the present. The illustrious king is said to have had at least 56 mistresses. That alone explains that he must have been great as he was able to handle such a lot of ladies. To see inside the castle, we had to join a group guided tour in French. Although I was hopeless at French, I could still enjoy going around many luxurious rooms, reading the English explanations. The collection of wall tapestries was especially remarkable.



The following day, we moved on to Biarritz, on the west coast of France. Biarritz is also a resort which was transformed by the European rich in the 19th century. It has one of the best surfing beaches in Europe and one of the best luxury hotels in France, Hotel du Palais, which was a former residence of Empress Eugénie, wife of Napoleon III. 

We didn't explore the fancy hotel, just seeing it from a distance but we experienced the splendid beach. I haven't swum in such high waves on a lovely sunny day before. I didn't go further than where my feet could touch the bottom, but the undercurrent was so strong that I was almost dragged offshore. It was most exciting and memorable.   



オリテの町を牛が走る Running bulls in Olite  

大都会マドリードを離れ、オリテという町に向かいました。オリテは牛追い祭りで有名なナバラの州都パンプローナの40km南にあり、 ナバラの王の城を中心とした中世の街並みがのこる町です。ます。そこで別の友人と合流。みんなで散歩に出ると、たくさんの人が白い服に赤いスカーフを身につけていました。たまたまお祭りの日だったようで、街の細い路地を牛が走ってきて広場に入る様子を見学できました。

Leaving the mega-city Madrid, we made our way to Olite. It is situated 40km south of Pamplona, which is the main city of Navarra and famous for its Running of the Bulls festival. Olite is a medieval town centred on a castle, where kings of Navarra resided. We arranged to meet our friends there to travel together afterwards. We all went for a stroll and found many people wearing white clothes and a red scarf. It turned out to be a festival, so we luckily observed bulls running down a narrow street into the square.


The following day, we made a detour to San Juan de la Peña, a monastery built under a huge overhang of rock. It was intriguing to see the remains of the building which took advantage of the rock for its roof. The drawback was that it was quite a detour up a mountain pass to go and have a look at it.


Then we drove to France over the Pyrenees. The views surrounded by mountains were exceptional. I didn’t notice when we passed the border. I must have missed the sign.


マドリード Madrid


マヨール広場 Plaza de Mayor
We visited Madrid to meet our friends. They kindly put us up at their flat, which was right in the heart of Madrid, and showed us around. A guide book said Madrid had no famous iconic buildings, however, there were elegant buildings here and there, which I felt were very pleasant to walk around. 

スペイン銀行 Bank of Spain

We went to the Prado Museum, one of the world's greatest art museums. It is said that its collection currently consists of abound 7600 paintings and 1000 sculptures and it displays more than 1300 works. Seeing them all in a day would have been too ambitious, so our friends guided us to spot the must-see famous pictures.


At that evening, our friends prepared tapas at home. Especially, cooked octopus served with potato, paprika and olive oil was sensationally tasty. (You can search for a recipe by inputting words 'Galician Octopus'.) My husband isn't normally keen on chewy squid, but he found the tender octopus a great delicacy.

アルムデナ大聖堂 Almudena Cathedral

It seemed that Spanish dinner time starts from 9.00pm onwards and restaurants open at 8.00pm at the earliest. Madrid at night was bustling, full of people in the streets, bars and restaurants, which belied the economic depression. The night life continues until the dawn. Fortunately, our friends' flat wasn't in the noisy street so we could sleep soundly.

蚤の市ラストロ El Rastro

The following day, we went to El Rastro, a flea market held every Sunday. It was said to be one of the largest flea markets in Europe. The streets were chock-a-block with people and every conceivable kind of stall.

サボテン? Cacti ?


Thanks to our friends, we enjoyed a lively weekend in Madrid. We didn't take any bus or tube for sightseeing as their flat was conveniently located. The public transport seemed to be highly developed, whereas driving in Madrid was a nightmare. On our return, it took more than one hour to get out of the city by car. Just like other big cities, we shouldn't have done it.


美しい水のある風景 Aqua in Wonderland


I was eager to try one walk, which I found out about on the internet. Our car finally screamed out for help and was taken away by a breakdown truck. Although we ended up using a rental car, we managed to allocate time for the walk. It was beside Nacedero del Urederra, a source of the river Urederra in Navarra. Urederra means a 'beautiful water' in Basque. There was a series of connected pools and cascades in the wood. It was supposed to take 2-3 hours, but we spent so much time on taking pictures that we found we were behind our schedule and had to turn back along the way. The clear and turquoise blue was just extraordinary and unparalleled.



The following day, we walked in the national park of Monasterio de Piedra.The monastery was founded in 1195, reusing materials from a castle and walls, and was restored in the 16th century. It is now open to the public and its monk's cells are used as hotel rooms.

Surrounding the monastery is a lush park with many waterfalls of great beauty.We could go into a cave at the bottom of a big waterfall and saw it from the inside. There were lakes transparent enough to see fish and algae clearly. They were truly spectacular.


For two consecutive days, we admired the magical natural beauty formed by water and both places were worth a special visit.