
道東旅行 Eastern Hokkaido trip

神の子池 Kaminoko-ike

We travelled around Eastern Hokkaido with a friend who kindly drove us. The natural beauty affected us profoundly.


First, we went to Kaminoko-ike, pond of offspring of gods. It is said to be created by water flowing underground from Lake Mashu, whose old name was lake of gods. The depth of the pond is 5 meters and the water is clear to the bottom. Fallen trees in the cobalt blue water have not decayed because the water temperature is low, around 8 degrees, throughout the year.

オンネトー湖 Lake Onneto

We went to Lake Onneto, near Lake Akan. The colour of the water changes depending on the weather and an angle. Therefore the lake is also called Goshiki-numa, five colour pool. We enjoyed a 4km walk around the mysterious lake.

コタン温泉と屈斜路湖 Kotan onsen & Lake Kussharo

What impressed my husband the most was an open-air onsen, hot spring, by Lake Kussharo. As a British national, he was reluctant to go to a public bath in Japan because one had to be stark naked although men and women were separated. However, at the open-air onsen, one was allowed to wear swimwear and one had a splendid view of the lake. It was also free. Couldn't be better. Thanks to the person who keeps the Kotan open-air onsen available for everyone to enjoy.

砂湯 Sand onsen
屈斜路湖には他にも無料露天風呂が点在しており、掘ったら温泉がでてくるという場所(砂湯)もあります。 スコップで掘って足を浸すと泥水だけど温かい!楽しかった。

There are several other free open-air onsen by the lake. Also there is a place where you can dig and make a foot bath by yourselves. It is called Suna-yu, sand onsen, as hot water bubbles up when you dig sand on the lake shore. We scooped the sand with a shovel and put our feet in the hole. The water was dirty but certainly warm, above all, it was fun.

東藻琴 芝桜祭り Higashimokoto Moss phlox festival

We went to the Shibazakura -moss phlox- festival in Higashimokoto. The hill was covered with pink flowers and the sweet smell swallowed us up, which was overwhelming.


Hokkaido is just huge. (It is almost the same size of Austria and 22% of Japan, although it is one out of 47 prefectures in Japan.) It will take many more days to go around there where beautiful nature still thrives. We have to come back again.


日本のホテルはすごいらしい Japanese hotels were terrific

洞爺湖 Lake Toya

青大将 Japanese rat snake
My parents took us on a trip in Hokkaido. First, we went to Lake Toya, a volcanic caldera lake. There is an island in the middle of the lake, called Nakano-shima. We got across there by ferry and ambled on a nature trail, meeting deer and snakes. The snakes seemed to be Japanese rat snakes, more than 1m long. They are the largest snake in Japan outside the Southwest Island. I was a bit alarmed, not knowing they were harmless. We spotted three of them.

大湯沼川 Oyunuma brook

After we visited active volcanic mountains emitting plumes of smoke, we moved to Noboribetsu. which has another area created by volcanic activity, called Jigokudani, Hell Valley. The boiling and bubbling water reminded one of Hell where demons live. But the walk along the hot water river and dipping our feet in it were heaven.

色々楽しんだ中、夫が最も感動したもの。それは、ホテルのバイキング。えっそれですか!?夫いわく「仕事で世界の高級ホテルに行ったけれど、こんなすごいの見たことがない。」 その場で調理してくれるステーキやてんぷらをはじめ、世界各国の料理が楽しめる。その種類の多様さ、少量ずつ好きなものを試せるシステム。そしてなにより何度でもおかわりできる。日本のバイキングはレベルが高いらしい。

ホテルの庭 Hotel's garden
Amongst various interesting experiences on this trip, the one which most impressed my husband were the buffets in the hotels. Seriously!? Yes, he said that he had never seen such an amazing buffet although he has been to many posh hotels in the world for his business. We could enjoy every kind of food including steak or tempura cooked on the spot. The variety and the arrangement which enabled us to try different foods, little by little, were marvellous. On top of that, we could refill a plate as many times as we liked. Buffet in Japan came across to him as high-grade.


Incidentally, the day after our temple lodging, we stayed at a so-called 'love hotel' on the outskirts of a town. I booked one to show my husband another side of Japan, or should I say just because it was very good value and I found it on a normal hotel search website. The drawback was the distance from the station, which one should expect as the place is normally accessed furtively by car. However, my husband was astonished by the facilities, his eyes opened wide. A king-size bed, a huge flat screen TV, a film screen, a karaoke machine, a massage chair, a bubble bath, a steam room...etc, he described the room facilities as like a five star hotel's, but at a bargain price. There are no such love hotels in the UK, so my husband was surprised by the difference, a complete change to the previous day. I think these hotels may grow in popularity amongst foreigners.


寺の宿坊に泊まる Temple lodging


We stayed at shukubo -temple accommodation- for a night in Koyasan in order to let my British husband immerse in Japanese tradition. He said sleeping on the floor would be impossible. So I arranged all of our stays in a Western style room, i.e. double or twin room. But this shukubo was an exception. There, we followed the traditional Japanese sleeping way, which was sleeping in a futon (a mat and a duvet) on tatami mats. Having said he was going to bring a sleeping pill for the night, he seemed to have slept all right without it.


Rather than that, sitting on the floor itself was a great problem for him. I expected that seiza, a Japanese formal sitting style , would be difficult, but even sitting cross-legged was too hard for him. Our meals were delivered on an small dining tray designed for eating on the floor. So my husband brought a chair and had the dishes from the high position. It looked strange but couldn't be helped. The meal was vegetarian food originally designed for monks, which was delicate and tasty.

修行の一環として、部屋で写経をしました。手本を見ながら紙に書いていくのではなく、トレーシングペーパーになっていて筆ペンでなぞる方式だったので、文字を知らない夫もできました。お経は右から始まる縦書きなのですが、夫は「右から書いたらインクが手について紙が汚れちゃうから左から書く 」と言い出しました。えっ?確かにその通りだけど、それじゃお経の意味ないけど・・・。まあ仕方がないよね。そして夫は最後の日付から書き始めました。「『月』という文字の前に月の名前をいれるんだよ」と説明したら夫は「MAY月」と書いてしまった!それじゃ「5月月」だよっ!正直おかしすぎてその後しばらく写経に集中できませんでした。

As a Buddhism practice, we tried 'shakyo', copying of a sutra in our room. It was possible for my husband who didn't know any letters to write the sutra because we could follow the letters on tracing paper by a calligraphy pen, rather than copying them on a paper after a model. The sutra was written from top to bottom and from right to left, which is traditional Japanese way. My husband decided to write from left to right, saying that would avoid smudging the ink. I thought it would lose the meaning of the sutra but it couldn't be helped. So he began to write from the last sentence, which was a date. I explained to him to put the name of this month before the letter '月'. We Japanese call months a number (starting from January) plus '月' (gatsu), e.g May is 5 gatsu. Then he wrote 'MAY 月'. That means 5 gatsu gatsu in Japanese. It was so amusing that I couldn't concentrate on 'shakyo' for a while.     


We also experienced meditation. To my surprise, half of the people were foreigners. There was an English explanation and one was allowed to sit on a chair. We tried a method of meditating, counting each breath up to 10 and then repeating the process. That was because it would be too difficult for beginners to meditate without thinking. To tell the truth, I got sleepy so I wasn't sure I succeeded the meditation. My husband seemed to be in the similar situation as he said he was relieved that he didn't fall off the chair. 

翌朝は早く起きて朝の勤行に参加して、護摩を焚く儀式を見ました。護摩は真言宗・天台宗などの密教独特の儀式で、小さな護摩木を燃やします。 宿坊に泊まったおかげで高野山もじっくり見学でき、色々な体験ができてよかったです。

The next morning, we got up early, attended the morning service and saw the Goma fire ritual. Goma(homa) is a ceremony for Esoteric Buddhism such as Shingon or Tendai Buddhism, lighting a holy fire by burning small wooden sticks. Thanks to the temple lodging, we experienced various Buddhism customs as well as seeing more of Koyasan.


比叡山と高野山 Hieizan and Koyasan


To show traditional Japanese culture and architecture to my British husband, we went to Kyoto and Nara, old capital cities. And my ambitious plan included remote Hieizan and Koyasan -'san' or 'zan' means a mountain. 


Hieizan (Mt.Hiei)  is the holy mountain headquarters of a Buddhist sect, Tendai. Saicho (Dengyo Daishi), the founder of Tendai Buddhism in Japan, established a temple on the mountain in 788. In the golden age of Hieizan, it was said to have had around 3000 temples crowding close upon one another. However, all the buildings were set on fire by Nobunaga Oda, a samurai warrior in 1571 and reduced to ashes. Later Hieizan was re-established and now houses about 150 temples.



比叡山の猿 A monkey in Hieizan
We went to Hieizan with my friend and his wife, who came all the way from Aichi prefecture to join us. Going up by funicular car, we followed a mountain pass to get to the temples. There was an atmosphere of solemnity away from the bustling cities. My friend was involved in architecture of temples and his knowledge was most interesting. For example, 'kegyo' is a fish-shaped ornament on the end of the gables of shrines and temples, designed to give psycological protection from fire. We enjoyed an unhurried walk, seeing the scattered temples and the beautiful natural environment.

By the way, we drew an omikuji, a fortune telling paper strip there. Both of my friends got  'Dai-kichi', excellent luck and both of us got 'Kyo', bad luck. I thought 'Kyo' papers were really rare to be picked.


Another day, we extended our journey to Koyasan from Nara, which took about 2.5 hours. From a funicular station, we took a bus, going up steep slopes. On the bus, we passed by Nyonindo, the women's temple. Until 1871, no women were allowed to enter Koyasan and they were only admitted to Nyonindo.


Koyasan (Mt. Koya) is the holy mountain headquarters of a Buddhist sect, Shingon. Kukai (Kobo Daishi), the founder of Shingon Buddhism in Japan, was given permission to establish a monastic complex at Koyasan by the reigning Emperor Saga in 816. Now Koyasan holds 117 temples and tens of thousands of graves of various people from various eras including famous samurai warriors.


The numerous tombs stood on both sides of the approach to the Mausoleum of Kobo Daishi, in the area called Okunoin. The path was surrounded by green and graves, which made me feel as if I were in another world. The towering hundreds of years old cedar trees looked especially impressive. We took a different path on the way back and found relatively newer graves there. The one that caught my eye was coffee cup shaped. Most innovative.


巨大美術館とすごい教会 A colossal museum and tremendous churches



On our second and third day in St Petersburg, we visited the Hermitage Museum, one of the largest museums in the world. The collection is said to contain more than three million works of art and artefacts. We bought 2 day-tickets but 2 days were not nearly enough to see them all. The museum is housed in the Winter Palace, the residence of the Russian emperors. Not only famous artists' work, but the numerous rooms themselves are must-see things. Apart from the fact that sandwiches we bought for lunch there were dry and tasteless, the whole museum was awe-inspiring.



We managed to visit two churches although touring around the colossal museum made our feet stiff.

One was St Isaac's Cathedral. It was built in the mid-19th century to be one of the most impressive landmarks of the Russian Imperial capital and was the largest cathedral in Russia. Its grandness, including the columns of malachite (green) and lapis lazuli (blue), filled me with wonder.


The second church we went to was the Savior on the Spilled Blood. This bloody name was derived from the fact that the church was built on the spot where Emperor Alexander II was assassinated and to commemorate him. At first glance, it was just like a palace in Arabian Nights. But actually its onion-shaped domes are said to have been a traditional Russian style in the middle age. The inside was covered with marvellous mosaics.


Three days passed by swiftly, seeing the extravagance of the Russian Empire.


サンクトペテルプルクに寄り道する A detour to St Petersburg


During the stopover in Helsinki, we went to St Petersburg in Russia by ferry. Normally a visa is needed to enter Russia but a ferry visit of 3 days or less is exempt.  


St Petersburg is the second largest city in Russia. It had flourished as the centre of politics, economy and culture of the Russian Empire since Peter the Great, the fifth emperor of the Romanov dynasty (1613-1917), built the city in the early 18th century. After the Russian Revolution, in 1918, its name was changed to Leningrad. It returned to the name St Petersburg again after the disintegration of the Soviet Union. Three days weren't enough time to look around all the must-see spots there, so we narrowed down our objectives.  

フェリーで到着した1日目はエカテリーナ宮殿を訪れました。 エカテリーナはピョートル大帝の第2の妻です。市内からかなり離れたところにあるので、ネットで行き方を調べて電車とバスで行ったのですが、電車の駅には、英語の表示が全くなし。券売所らしきところを見つけて一つしか空いていない窓口の長い列に並ぶことに。なかなか進まない列に並んでいると、親切な女性が英語が話せないながらも私たちの行きたいところを理解したようで、「ついて来て(とロシア語でたぶん)」と言って、彼女の連れを置いて並んだ列を離れ、かなり離れたところにあるホームに連れて行ってくれ、無事に券を買って乗り込むことができました。たぶん長蛇の列は長距離列車のものだったのでしょう。夫いわく、「あの人がいなかったらシベリア鉄道に乗っていたかもね。」 

On the first day when we arrived by ferry, we visited the Catherine Palace. Catherine was the second wife of Peter the Great. The palace was far from the city centre, so we took a train and a bus to get there using information on the Internet. At the train station, there was nothing in  English. We found a ticket-counter-like place. Only one window was open so that we had to queue up in a long line. While we were waiting in a slow-processing queue, a kind lady who seemed to understand our destination despite the fact that she didn't speak English, said 'follow me. (in Russian),' maybe. She led us to another platform a long way off, leaving her partner at the queue. Thanks to her, we got a ticket and caught a train there. The long queue might have been for long distance trains. My husband said that we would had been on the Trans-Siberian Railway without her.


Station name signs were written with Russian symbols but we managed to get to our destination with people's help. Outside the palace, we waited for a long time in a queue in the pouring rain although we weren't sure what the queue was for, as there was no English written. After we went around a huge garden, we queued to buy tickets to enter the palace again. The ticket counter that we were waiting for suddenly closed and we had to queue another one. A Russian girl told us in English that we had to accept it because it was the Russian way. The process took a while but was worthwhile. The palace inside was absolutely sumptuous. Apart from the dazzling golden hall, there were tens of lavishly decorated rooms open to the public. Above all, the Amber Room was a unparalleled masterpiece. Amber work in the room was plundered by the German Nazis, but restored later.


The palace was splendid without doubt. But for me, to get there was most interesting because I felt I was in Russia, a foreign land. It was difficult to understand the transport system despite the Catherine Palace being a major attraction. I should have studied Russian beforehand. 



ヘルシンキに立ち寄る Stopover in Helsinki

ヘルシンキ大聖堂 Helsinki cathedral

We stopped over in Helsinki, the capital city of Finland, on the way to Japan. Helsinki is the northernmost national capital on the European continent, which is surprising as I thought it would be Moscow. We stayed in Helsinki at the beginning of the May. It was certainly cold since we even had snow.

海から見たウスペンスキ寺院 Uspenski Orthodox Cathedral from seafront

Finland was a grand duchy of Sweden from the 12th to 19th century. After Sweden lost the war against Russia, Finland became an autonomous duchy of Russia in 1809. Then it declared its independence in 1917, the year of the Russian Revolution. Although there were wars against Russia subsequently, Finland has defended its independence.

カンピチャペル Kamppi Chapel of Silence

My impression of Helsinki is that it is clean, pleasant and easy to go around. No rubbish was in the streets, no graffiti were on the walls. Most people understand English, most signs are also written in English. There weren't many old historic buildings in Helsinki, but there was unconventional architecture, such as Rock church.

鯰尾 Catfish tail
サザエ Turbo shell
博物館で「武道の精神」という日本の武道についての特別展示がたまたまやっていました。そこで知られざる日本を発見。それは"strange helmet"(ストレンジ ヘルメット)=「変わり兜」。戦国時代にはこんな兜があったとは。アーティスティックってより確かにストレンジですね。

At the National Museum, there was an temporary exhibition,"Spirits of Budo," about Japanese martial arts. I found unknown Japanese things there, which were 'strange helmets.' I didn't know such odd helmets existed during the Warring State period. They were certainly strange although one might describe them as artistic. 

ポルヴォー Porvvoo
ツーリストシーズンは5月半ば頃始まるようです。フィンランドで2番目に古い町ポルヴォー(ヘルシンキからバスで1時間位)を訪れたのですが、そこへの観光フェリーはまだ始まっていませんでした。今度は暖かい時期に行って たくさんの島々を自転車で回るツーリングとか湖をカヌーで回るとか、フィンランドの自然を堪能してみたいです。

The tourist season seems to start from the middle of May. We visited Porvoo, the second oldest town in Finland, one hour by bus from Helsinki. At that time, there was no ferry as it was out of season. Some day I would love to explore the abundant nature in Finland, by cycling around some of the numerous islands or canoeing around some of the lakes, perhaps in a warmer season.