
サンクトペテルプルクに寄り道する A detour to St Petersburg


During the stopover in Helsinki, we went to St Petersburg in Russia by ferry. Normally a visa is needed to enter Russia but a ferry visit of 3 days or less is exempt.  


St Petersburg is the second largest city in Russia. It had flourished as the centre of politics, economy and culture of the Russian Empire since Peter the Great, the fifth emperor of the Romanov dynasty (1613-1917), built the city in the early 18th century. After the Russian Revolution, in 1918, its name was changed to Leningrad. It returned to the name St Petersburg again after the disintegration of the Soviet Union. Three days weren't enough time to look around all the must-see spots there, so we narrowed down our objectives.  

フェリーで到着した1日目はエカテリーナ宮殿を訪れました。 エカテリーナはピョートル大帝の第2の妻です。市内からかなり離れたところにあるので、ネットで行き方を調べて電車とバスで行ったのですが、電車の駅には、英語の表示が全くなし。券売所らしきところを見つけて一つしか空いていない窓口の長い列に並ぶことに。なかなか進まない列に並んでいると、親切な女性が英語が話せないながらも私たちの行きたいところを理解したようで、「ついて来て(とロシア語でたぶん)」と言って、彼女の連れを置いて並んだ列を離れ、かなり離れたところにあるホームに連れて行ってくれ、無事に券を買って乗り込むことができました。たぶん長蛇の列は長距離列車のものだったのでしょう。夫いわく、「あの人がいなかったらシベリア鉄道に乗っていたかもね。」 

On the first day when we arrived by ferry, we visited the Catherine Palace. Catherine was the second wife of Peter the Great. The palace was far from the city centre, so we took a train and a bus to get there using information on the Internet. At the train station, there was nothing in  English. We found a ticket-counter-like place. Only one window was open so that we had to queue up in a long line. While we were waiting in a slow-processing queue, a kind lady who seemed to understand our destination despite the fact that she didn't speak English, said 'follow me. (in Russian),' maybe. She led us to another platform a long way off, leaving her partner at the queue. Thanks to her, we got a ticket and caught a train there. The long queue might have been for long distance trains. My husband said that we would had been on the Trans-Siberian Railway without her.


Station name signs were written with Russian symbols but we managed to get to our destination with people's help. Outside the palace, we waited for a long time in a queue in the pouring rain although we weren't sure what the queue was for, as there was no English written. After we went around a huge garden, we queued to buy tickets to enter the palace again. The ticket counter that we were waiting for suddenly closed and we had to queue another one. A Russian girl told us in English that we had to accept it because it was the Russian way. The process took a while but was worthwhile. The palace inside was absolutely sumptuous. Apart from the dazzling golden hall, there were tens of lavishly decorated rooms open to the public. Above all, the Amber Room was a unparalleled masterpiece. Amber work in the room was plundered by the German Nazis, but restored later.


The palace was splendid without doubt. But for me, to get there was most interesting because I felt I was in Russia, a foreign land. It was difficult to understand the transport system despite the Catherine Palace being a major attraction. I should have studied Russian beforehand. 


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