
ワイトモ洞窟で星を見る Stars in the Waitomo cave


Some big cities have hop-on hop-off sightseeing buses which go to popular tourist spots. New Zealand has similar hop-on hop-off buses which go around whole country and people are free to stay in any places as long as they want, before they hop back on, which is wonderful.


I bought a round trip bus ticket and started to travel from Auckland. My first stop was Waitomo, which is famous for limestone caves and glow worms. The glow worm is a luminous larva of a kind of fly living in caves or somewhere dark in Australia or New Zealand. They suspend lines of sticky beads to trap prey attracted by their light. The light doesn't twinkle like a firefly's but shines brighter as the glow worms get more hungry. The cave's dark ceiling with their lights looks like a starry sky.


They are so sensitive that we have to watch them in silence without lights. Surprisingly, in the Waitomo cave we saw them on a rafting tour. We didn't go in a big rubber boat but each of us had a rubber tube. We carried them as we walked in the cave and when the water became deeper we sat on the tube and floated. It was thrilling to jump in a rapid as well as to walk in the dark cave. When we reached the place where the glow worms lived, we turned our headlights off and floated in silence. It was amazing to see the lights like heavenly stars as we floated through the cave.


Nowadays the number of fireflies in Japan seems to be decreasing, as do glow worms there. I hope the beautiful scenes last.


ロトルアの自然に触れる Feel the nature in Rototua


Whilst living in Auckland, I visited Rotorua twice. It takes three hours by car, so it's possible to return the same day. However there are too many attractions for a day trip.


The first visit was to the geothermal area and the Maori Village which shows the culture of the original inhabitants of NZ, the Maoris. In this area, which smelled of sulphur, there was mud and steam bubbling up from the ground or water, and a geyser shooting up 20 meters. It looked similar to the Hell Vally in Noboribetsu, Hokkaido, Japan, but larger and more powerful. Once, there was the biggest Maori village in New Zealand in Rotorua and Maori people have long used the hot spring water. In Noboribetsu, Ainu the original inhabitants of Hokkaido used to make use of the hot spring for medical purposes. Natural hot water has been a godsend everywhere.



My second visit was for kayaking and rafting. On my first day, I went lake kayaking. For a beginner like me, it was difficult to go straight, so I had to row frantically to keep up with other members. It was a great joy when I got to a hot spring on the shore and soaked in the hot water. It was heaven relaxing in the open-air hot pool with a great view, although it discouraged me to row back.

On my second day, I went rafting. Shooting the rapids was thrilling. At the end, I jumped into the river and floated in the rapids, when the instructor said it was OK to jump in. I thought that I would drown even though I was wearing a life jacket. It was fun.


In fact, after leaving Auckland for traveling, I dropped by Rotorua again. Our bus guide took us to a river which was warmed by hot bubbling water. We soaked into the lukewarm muddy water. I felt as if I was a primitive woman. Whatever the tub is, hot springs give me joy.


ニュージーランドの生活  Life in New Zealand


The other day Christchurch was seriously damaged by an earthquake. (The photo on the left is the cathedral, taken in 2008 before the collapse caused by the quake.) I have stayed and traveled in New Zealand as a working holiday maker. Then its wonderful nature captivated me. Now I'd like to introduce my past trip in the lovely country, hoping many people visit there and Christchurch is restored quickly.


Before leaving for the trip, I had stayed in Auckland, except for three weeks working at farms as a worker who gets accommodation and meals in exchange for work. Auckland is the biggest city in NZ and I stayed near the biggest shopping mall in the southern hemisphere, away from the centre, at a flat with two other people. In Japan single people tend to live in a small flat by themselves, while in NZ it's popular to share a house with a few others.


Thinking of Auckland reminds me of the many sailing boats tied up in the harbour, so its no surprise that it is called The City of Sails, and the many hills made by volcanic activity. It's a big city but blessed with nature and beautiful views. There are a lot of beautiful islands scattered around the city as well. A friend's family rented a cottage on the one of the islands for Christmas and invited me to join. So I was lucky that I had spent my first Summer Christmas there and even swam in the sea, though it was chilly.


Cafes and pubs are part of the way of life for Kiwis (New Zealanders) in common with English people. There are many lovely cafes in the town and people enjoy their tea or coffee. As fast food, fish and chips and meat pies are popular. In England meat pies are also traditional food, but here in Cornwall, pasties are more common as takeaway food. The pasty was originally made for Cornish tin miners to be able to eat with their dirty hands, so traditional one was wrapped in hard shortcut pastry and filled with meat and vegetables, while the NZ pie is made from flaky or puff pastry. Either food is very filling.

世界各地から移民が移り住み、多国籍料理が楽しめるオークランド。日本食はヘルシーだとして人気があり、テイクアウトのお寿司(テリヤキチキンやサーモンの巻き寿司が定番)をよく見かけました。日 本食はもうかる、ということでレストランやテイクアウトショップのオーナーの半分以上は中国人か韓国人という話。実際私のバイト先の日本食レストランでは スタッフは全員韓国人でした。でも味は一応日本食でしたし、お客さんが店内に流れる音楽が韓国語だなんて気づかないでしょうから、問題ないでしょうね。

Many people have migrated to NZ from various countries, so there is a wide variety of food in Auckland. Japanese food is popular as healthy cuisine. There are many sushi takeaways, whose hot items are Teriyaki chicken or raw salmon rolled sushi. I heard that Sushi takeaways and Japanese food restaurants were profitable so that more than half of the owners of those shops were Chinese or Korean there. At a Japanese restaurant where I worked as a waitress, all the staff were Korean except for me. The served food had an almost authentic Japanese taste, so it was all right. I didn't think customers noticed though that Korean music was being played there.


猫柳 Pussy willow


The plant, Pussy willow, is popular as a sign of spring in Japan. During a stroll, here in Cornwall, I found the pussy willow had come out. There are some flowers in bloom already in the middle of February. Daffodils especially, are coming out everywhere.

ところでこの猫柳ですが、英語で「pussy(猫) willow(柳)」というのです。(※pussyはcatの幼児語。にゃんこ、みたいな感じです。)猫柳は中国でもおめでたい植物として旧正月の飾りになったりしていますが、中国名は「細柱柳」、そう猫柳ではありません。和名「ネコヤナギ」は猫のしっぽに似ているから名付けられたようで英名の由来と一緒。でも江戸時代までは一般に「カワヤナギ」と呼ばれていたようです。(川辺によく生息しているため。)英名「pussy willow」に触発されて変わったわけではないと思うので、誰がみてもそのかわいい花(と呼べるか分りませんが)は猫のしっぽみたいというわけですね。

Incidentally, pussy willow is called neko(cat) yanagi(willow) in Japanese, exactly the same meaning. In China it's also widely liked as a propitious sign and decorated for Chinese New Year, but called a different name, xizhuliu (thin stalk willow) in Chinese. The Japanese name neko yanaghi seems to be named because the blossom looked like a cat's tale, - the same reason as behind the English name pussy willow. In fact before the Edo period(1603-1867) neko yanagi was generally called kawa(river) yanagi(willow), which was because the plant grows by rivers. I don't think the common name was changed by the influence of the English name. That means everyone thinks the cute blossom looks like a cat's tale.


イギリスの病院事情 パートⅡ The medical system in the UK : PartⅡ

①受ける手術は回復が早い ②自宅で療養可能、世話できるつれあいがいる ③予算削減
ということです。イギリスのNHS(National Health Service)の病院は医療を受ける際は無料。費用は国民の税金から賄われているためできるだけ早く自宅に帰れるようにするわけです。ベットも他の患者さんのために確保しなければなりません。日本とは随分違いますね。驚きです。

The other day my husband had an operation at a hospital which was about three hours away by car. Although he was having a major operation lasting three hours and needing holes in his belly, the expected schedule was ;
Come to hospital at 7.30 am on the op day
Op at 1.00 am
Discharge by 10.00 am the next day (Arrange someone to give a lift back home)
Leaving hospital the day after the operation would be incredible in Japan. The reason for the tight schedule was ;
1, Expectation of quick recovery after the operation
2, Practically possible to convalescence at home-there is someone to look after the patient
3, Cost reduction
In the UK, people can get free treatment at NHS (National Health Service) hospitals. The cost is met out of general taxation. So the NHS try to help patients to go back home as soon as practicable to cut down the cost and to guarantee beds for others.
That's very different from Japanese hospitals, which surprised me.

夫曰く家にいる方がよっぽど安全で、病院には細菌が蔓延しているだろうし、病室では夜はうるさくて眠れないこともあるし、帰れるなら家が一番とのこと。確かにその通り。 日本でももう少し早く退院できるようにした方がいいかもしれません。国の医療費予算も個人の支出も節約できます。病院側はもうからなくなる し大事をとって長く入院させたいかもしれませんが。

My husband said that it was best to be at home and much safer than to stay in hospital. There are many germs in hospitals and patients sometimes cannot sleep because of noise in their wards. I agree with the approach. I think Japanese hospitals could discharge earlier. It would save the national budget for medical service and also patients' own money. Although they would want people to stay there longer to avoid serious consequences or to make money.


The day after his operation, he was assessed. It was concluded that he was not ready and having difficulty in walking around and so he was released the day after. Now he is convalescing at home. Hope he recovers soon!


バレンタインデー Valentine's Day


Valentine's Day has taken root in Japan as the day when women give chocolate to men, which is, I think, because of the influence of the Japanese confectionery industry. In the West, the day has been celebrated from ancient times as an anniversary to do with St Valentine, a Christian saint. Westerners of both sexes give something, not necessarily chocolate, to their beloved, unlike the Japanese custom. There are many people, especially women who choose chocolate for their gift, in the UK. In fact, the giving of chocolate on Valentine's Day started in the UK in the late 19th century and has spread. Most people in the UK loved chocolate so it was a perfect gift. Some Japanese men don't have sweet teeth so perhaps it is not so appropriate for them.


White Day, 14th of March, seems to have been born in Japan as the day when men give something to women, a rejoinder for Valentine's Day. The confectionery industry seems to be behind this. Anyway to my surprise, in Korea they have Black Day, 14th of April. It is the day when people who did not receive a gift on Valentine's Day or White Day wear black clothes and have black food (Jajang noodle) or black coffee. That sounds amusing. I hear that nowadays the number of Japanese women who buy posh chocolate on Valentine's Day to treat themselves is increasing. They may be creating their own Black Day.


For this Valentine's Day my husband treated me to dinner and I gave him a card and chocolate. So neither of us had a Black day!


エデンプロジェクト Eden project


The Eden project is a huge botanical garden constructed under domes in a 160-year-old exhausted china clay quarry. It considers environmental factors and people can learn about nature. There is rainforest biome area and Mediterranean biome area, both displaying many kinds of plants used for food. Information boards tell the relationship between nature and human beings.



The designs of the energy-saving buildings are inspired by natural structures. The Eden Project is planning to get electricity and heat from geothermal equipment.

In the UK, gas and oil production peaked in the North Sea so that now the country has to rely on imported fuel for some of its needs. Furthermore, the UK government has agreed with the EU a legally binding target of 15% renewable energy by 2020. Therefore they are eager to develop sustainable energy such as wave power. There are many wind turbines in fields and some houses have solar panels on their roofs although there is a question whether the UK has enough sunshine. Anyway this Eden project can be enjoyed in spite of Winter rain and gives us some inspiring thoughts about nature.