
新式おせち New style Japanese New Year's dishes

そして「まめに暮らせるように」食べる黒豆の代わりに、枝豆サラダ。イギリスのスーパーで冷凍グリンピーズのとなりに冷凍枝豆「EDAMAME BEANS」を発見した時は、小躍りして喜びました。大好物なんです。ちなみにあずき「ADZUKI BEANS」も缶で売られていて手に入ります。

For the New Year, I cooked the following Japanese foods/dishes in a western arrangement, using ingredients available in the UK.
Red-and-white pickles, which represent good luck, are usually made from carrot and daikon- Japanese radish. I used celery instead of daikon, and also mixed in smoked salmon.
Datemaki is made from egg and ground fish meat and its shape is like a scroll, which implies advancement of culture. I wound egg around seafood sticks and cheese, which wasn't like a scroll but at least was rolled.
Black soy beans signify diligence. I made edamame- young soy beans- in the salad instead of black ones. When I found frozen 'edamame beans' next to frozen peas in the supermarket, I jumped for joy because they are one of my favourite Japanese foods. Incidentally, we can buy tinned 'adzuki beans' which are a Japanese foodstuff usually used for confections in the supermarket.
Kobumaki, a kelp roll signifies joy. We enjoyed a genuine Japanese kobumaki which my parents kindly sent me. In the UK it's not common to eat seaweed.
Prawns with a bent back are symbols of long life as their bent backs represent elderly people. I used only a few tiny frozen prawns and put them on mushrooms. In addition, I made a terrine to increase the variety of dishes.


For stewed root vegetables, because there is no taro or burdock in the UK, I tried using different local varieties instead- a parsnip and a swede, which I had never seen in Japan. In the UK they are normally roasted or mashed like potatoes. A parsnip is sweet and shaped like a white big carrot. A swede is round, cream-coloured and hard to cut like a Japanese pumpkin. I simmered them with chicken drums in the Japanese style to make the traditional New Year's dish. As a result, the taste was not too bad, my husband said delicious-but it was completely different from the standard one.


The picture below is of my parents' Japanese New Year dishes. They are genuine, colourful and appetizing.


クリスマスダック Christmas roast duck


My Mother-in-law came to our house and spent Christmas with us. For our Christmas dinner, which in the UK is normally lunch time on the 25th , a whole turkey would have been too big for the three of us, so my husband "splashed" out on a whole duck instead. It was the first time that I have roasted a whole duck at home. We normally have a sausage meat based stuffing when roasting a chicken. This time we stuffed orange inside the duck and roasted it for one and half hours. We ate the duck with roast vegetables and plenty of gravy sauce. It was juicy and tasty.


イギリスでの鶏の売られ方 How chicken meat is sold in the UK


In the UK a pack of chicken breast or thigh costs more per kilo than a whole chicken. We seldom see a whole chicken in supermarkets in Japan. In the UK, Chicken thigh is normally sold on the bone whilst in Japan fillets of chicken thigh are popular. What's more, there is no chicken minced meat in the UK, instead we find turkey minced meat. It tasted like chicken breast minced meat when I tried it.
Households in the UK normally have ovens big enough to roast a whole chicken, so for them, it's normal to deal with a big chunk of meat. It's understandable that a whole chicken costs less owing to the bones and the reduced cost of cutting and packing.


So we normally buy a whole chicken, stuff it and roast it in the oven, which provides almost a week of meals for the two of us. We are going to roast a whole turkey for this Christmas. I wonder how many days it will keep us going? "Weeks" says my husband..............