
セゴンツァーノのピラミッド The Pyramids of Segonzano

イタリアに神秘のピラミッドが存在します。その名も『Piramidi di Segonzano』(セゴンツァーノのピラミッド)。このピラミッドはお墓ではなく、自然現象(浸食作用)によってでできた、不思議な地形。多くは、ピラミッドというか柱の形をしており、上に大きな岩がのっかっています。これで下の部分が風化を免れ、こんな形(20mもの高さになるものもある) が残ったわけです。

There are mysterious pyramids, called 'Piramidi di Segonzano', the pyramids of Segonzano in Italy . They are not tombs but amazing geographical features created by erosion. Most of these earth pyramids are column-shaped topped by a large boulder. Owing to the top protection rocks, the earth below has escaped from weathering and been shaped as they are, reaching up to 20 m high.



The pyramids are situated near Trento, northeastern Italy. The region borders on Austria and is amongst beautiful mountains. It would be only a rock maniac or a geographer who particularly visits the pyramids far from Japan. We are not rock buffs. The reason why we were in the region was to attend a friends' party. We had a most enjoyable time at the party but also enjoyed seeing various Italian places on this trip.

Again, look at the shape of the pyramids !! It's extraordinary that they stand erect like that.


フェラーリ博物館 The Ferrari Museum

中世の町シエナを離れ、翌日ハイテクカーが並ぶフェラーリ博物館へ向かいました。 博物館はフィレンツェから約100km北にあるモデナという町の近くマラネロにあります(シエナはフィレンツェの約50km南)。相当のフェラーリ好きで ないと、わざわざ日本から行くことはないでしょう。私自身はスポーツカーにもF1レースにも全く興味はないのですが、興味ある男性は多い-私の夫を含め。
The following day, we left the historical town, Siena and went to a modern high-tech attraction, the Ferrari Museum. It is situated at Maranello, near Modena, about 100km north of Florence (Siena is about 50km south of Florence.) Only fanatic Ferrari fans would go there from Japan. I have no interest in F1 races or sports cars myself but it's a magnet for men, including my husband.


There were rally cars used for tours of China or India, as well as racing cars. The photographic collections of the tours, showing for example a stylish posh Ferrari running on a rural road with elephants, made me smile.


At the gift shop, the price of Ferrari minicars made me speechless. They must be toys for proper grown-ups.

中世の町シエナ A medieval city, Siena



Piazza del Campo カンポ広場
We stopped in a medieval city, Siena on the way to northern Italy after leaving the Amalfi coast.

In medieval times, Siena prospered as a city state and once was a rival to Florence. Throughout central Italy, the town square was an expression of civic pride and independence. Siena's town square, Piazza del Campo, is one of the greatest in Europe and is also famous for the Palio, its traditional bareback horse race.


We went to a fortress, Fortezza Medicea, buit in 1560 after Siena was defeated by the Florentines. We found a wine shop run by a public institution, Enoteca Italiana where more than 1,500 wines from all over Italy are on permanent display after having been carefully selected by a judging committee. The staff said there are ten times as many wines produced in Italy. Astonishing. As for sake, Japanese rice wine, there are said to be more than 5,000 kinds in Japan, which makes choosing one, difficult..   


The range of medieval buildings, Piazza del Campo and the fabulously decorated Duomo were stunning. Siena is out of the limelight in Japan behind the glory of Florence but it was a fantastic place in which to steep myself, as if I was in the medieval times. I wished I had been able to stay longer to explore.


アマルフィ海岸と神々の道 The Amalfi coast and the path of the Gods

Maiori マイオリ
「アマルフィ」という名前は日本で邦画『アマルフィ 女神の報酬』のCMと共に流れたサラ・ブライトマンの”Time to say goodbye]”の美しいメロディーとともに頭の中にこびりついていました。いつかその美しい海岸に行ってみたい・・・その夢がついにかないました!

Since I saw a preview of a Japanese file,"Amalfi: Rewards of the Goddess"on TV, the name Amalfi and the film's theme song, 'Time to say goodbye' by Sarah Brightman, had stuck in my mind. It became one of my dreams to go to the celebrated picturesque coast one day. Now it has come true !! 

A cafe in Minori ミノリのカフェ

Amalfi アマルフィ
Positano ポジターノ
We based ourselves in Maiori on the Amalfi coast and went out for my desired coastal walks. In the past, the only way to get to the next village was by ship, or on foot. Now there is a road along the coast. However, it is so incredibly narrow, two cars can just pass each other. Actually, at curves one has to stop or even back to let oncoming traffic pass through. As a matter of course, there is no pavement. I guess people should not walk on the road, but we couldn't resist doing it as it was just skirting the coast with fantastic views. We also enjoyed a masterpiece of cake at the next town, Minori and arrived in Amalfi, the biggest town on the coast.


The following day, we took a ferry from Amalfi to Positano. The views from the sea were exceptional. Our aim was walking on 'Sentiero degli Dei,' the Path of the Gods.  We didn't check the details of the path in advance, thinking it would be easy to find out as it's famous. In Positano, we got a town map. The start point of the path seemed to be a bit far. Well, it would be all right...That was a big mistake. Later we learned that people normally get to the start, Nocelle by bus. We climbed up around 1700 steps, plus slopes. All of our lunch and water had vanished before we even got to the start. My husband thought he would expire and meet God before he reached the Path of the Gods.

天気にも恵まれ、努力の甲斐がありました。 はるか上から見下ろす町や海岸線は絶景でした。まさに神々の道。ぶどうやレモンを育てる急斜面の段々畑もすごい。世界有数の観光地ですが、昔ながらの生活も続けられているようです。

Anyway, it was worthwhile. Thanks to our effort and the sunny weather, it was heaven looking down at the coastline and towns nearby, as if we were in the sky. I was also amazed by the terraced fields on steep slopes, on which grew vines or lemons. Although the stunning coast became one of the top tourist destinations, some traditional livelihoods still continue as in the past.



噴火で埋もれた古代の町-ポンペイとヘルクラネウム Ancient towns buried by a volcanic eruption - Pompei and Herculaneum


When Mount Vesuvius erupted in AD 79, the nearby ancient Roman towns, such as Pompei and Herculaneum were engulfed by volcanic ash and pyroclastic flows. They have been excavated since the 18th century. The remains, which are peerless in the world, give us a glimpse of life in the Early Roman Empire, .


First we visited Pompeii, about 30 minutes away from Naples by train. It took us the whole day to walk around the town whose population used to be about 10,000. I would recommend you to go to the National Archeological Museum in Naples before visiting Pompeii. The museum stores many frescoes and mosaics in excellent condition which I could hardly believe were about 2000 years old. Incidentally, there is a secret room in the museum, which has the towns' erotic frescoes and objects. Pompeii's ruins would have been too large for me to walk through without getting bored, if I hadn't seen the museum collection, which kindled my imagination of the sophisticated lifestyle at that time.


The following day we went to Herculaneum, which was smaller and better preserved. There were some frescoes and mosaics left on the spot, which gave us a more vivid impression of the ancient civilized culture. It is said that Pompeii was a commercial town while Herculaneum was a holiday resort for rich Romans.


There were public baths for males and females separately, with a c

hanging room and pubs for serving wine and food with marble counters. There were also some dining places as it was not customary to have lunch at home at that time. The ancient city life looked little different to modern village life without electricity.


Later we also visited Oplontis, a villa near Pompeii. There were buildings with sumptuously decorated walls and floors, while there were areas for slaves where the service corridors were painted with black and white stripes. 


The eruption must have been nothing other than a tragedy at that time. Nevertheless, because it stopped time in those towns, we could see their lifestyle 2000 years later. What an exciting experience !


ナポリを見てから死ね? See Naples and die?

ヌウォーボ城 Castle Nuovo

"Vedi Napoli puoi muori - See Naples and die." Since I heard of the saying, I hadn't felt like going there because Naples' beauty might make me feel I could die anytime. So I was sort of relieved when I actually went. It was filled with majestic historical structures and artifacts, but also riddled with rubbish and graffiti.


Naples was the capital of the Kingdom of the eponymous state which has existed since the 13th century before being annexed to the Kingdom of Italy, in 1861 which preceded the  current Republic of Italy. Now it is the main city in  southern Italy. 
There is a rumor  that the mafia is still behind the scenes. Compared to the developed industrial north, the agricultural south seems to have more problems of unemployment, poverty and crime.  


Notwithstanding a bit of chaos, we enjoyed walking around Naples, a vibrant city, full of attractions. In the small walkable historical area, there were a lot of churches and the grand duomo. And in the streets, lined with stylish boutiques, there were narrow dim alleys where we could see apartment house windows and balconies with plants or the washing.

そして食べ物は間違いなく美味しい!9月半ばにして昼間の気温は25度以上。毎日ジェラート食べちゃいました。イタリア料理といえばピザ、パスタの イメージが強いですが、肉、魚、野菜料理もちゃんとあります。お気に入りのデリカデッセンを見つけ、毎夜通って地元のワイン片手に楽しみました。

Galleria Umberto I

Furthermore, the food was superb. It was mid September and the daytime temperature was above 25 degrees. Inevitably we had gelati, delicious Italian ice cream, every day. Speaking of Italian food, we normally imagine pizza or pasta, but there are various meat, fish, and vegetable dishes as well. We became regular customers at a delicatessen and enjoyed their dishes with local wine every evening.

Naples is a place to dive into, rather than see and die.