
セゴンツァーノのピラミッド The Pyramids of Segonzano

イタリアに神秘のピラミッドが存在します。その名も『Piramidi di Segonzano』(セゴンツァーノのピラミッド)。このピラミッドはお墓ではなく、自然現象(浸食作用)によってでできた、不思議な地形。多くは、ピラミッドというか柱の形をしており、上に大きな岩がのっかっています。これで下の部分が風化を免れ、こんな形(20mもの高さになるものもある) が残ったわけです。

There are mysterious pyramids, called 'Piramidi di Segonzano', the pyramids of Segonzano in Italy . They are not tombs but amazing geographical features created by erosion. Most of these earth pyramids are column-shaped topped by a large boulder. Owing to the top protection rocks, the earth below has escaped from weathering and been shaped as they are, reaching up to 20 m high.



The pyramids are situated near Trento, northeastern Italy. The region borders on Austria and is amongst beautiful mountains. It would be only a rock maniac or a geographer who particularly visits the pyramids far from Japan. We are not rock buffs. The reason why we were in the region was to attend a friends' party. We had a most enjoyable time at the party but also enjoyed seeing various Italian places on this trip.

Again, look at the shape of the pyramids !! It's extraordinary that they stand erect like that.

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