
コルシカ島:辺境のビーチ A remote beach in Corsica


Having been asked what was the most beautiful place in France that he had visited, one French gentleman said, 'It is difficult to choose...but I'd say Corsica.' So, we decided to go there. Corsica is an island off the south of France and a popular holiday destination, especially for beach lovers in summer. We went there at the end of April when many flowers were out and thoroughly enjoyed the beautiful island without crowds of tourists.
最初に滞在した場所はセントフロレント。そこで、車ではたどり着けない(4WDなら可能)島で最も美しいと言われるビーチを目指して、海岸沿いを歩きました。途中、太ももまで水につか らないと渡れない場所があり、水着に着替えて進みました。到着したビーチは海藻まみれで最高に美しいとは思えなかったのですが、 絶景を望みながらのウォーキングは最高でした。往復8時間ほどかけて、歩く価値ありです。せっかく水着を持参したので、帰りに誰もいない小さなビーチで泳ぐことに。その日は半袖で歩けるくらいの暖かさ でしたが、海の水は冷たくて1分で限界でした。でもこんなきれいな色をした海だったら泳ぎたくなっちゃいますよね。

First, we stayed in St Florent and went for a walk to a remote beach described as the most beautiful beach in Corsica. It is only accessible on foot or by 4WD car. On the way, the path went through a seawater channel, so we had to change into swimming suits. The water level was above my sighs.
At the end, our goal was covered with seaweed and didn't look like an extremely beautiful beach. Nevertheless, the footpath along the delightful coast was definitely worth walking. It took us about 8 hours to go and come back. On the return, because we had brought our swimming suits, we tried swimming at a small beach. It was warm enough to walk in short sleeves that day but the sea water was too cold to swim for more than a minute. You might think we were mad but if you saw that clear blue water, you also wouldn't be able to resist jumping into the sea, perhaps.            

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