
やまなかで素っ裸 In our birthday suits up a mountain

オーストリアではコーヒーハウスは欠かせません。コーヒーにも色々な飲み方があって、ホイップクリームやラム酒入りなど、多種のメニューが並んでいます。不思議なことに、カフェで、コーヒーを頼むと、必ずグラスに水がついてきます。え?コーヒーって飲み物では・・・。コーヒーは脱水効果があるので、同時に水分を補給する必 要があるんだとか。なるほど。

Coffee houses are indispensable in Austrian culture. There are a variety of choices on the coffee menu, such as coffee with whipped cream or rum. It surprised me that every coffee came with a glass of water. Surely coffee is a beverage itself ? I was told that coffee had a dehydration effect so it was necessary to supply water too. Well, that's make sense..


The most common drink in Austria seems to be beer although recently wine has grown in popularity and has been produced locally. Some people drink a small amount of liqueur after a meal as a digestive, which is supposed to help digestion. What a fantastic excuse ! Schnapps, - spirits made from fruit such as apricots - are famous there. The legal drinking age in Austria is 16 years old (which may vary by region), and 18 for distilled beverages. Surprise. It's very young,  compared to 20 in Japan. Beer and wine are regarded as a lighter drink by Austrians.


During our stay, our friends took us to their own mountain hut. It used to be a hut for shepherds or farmers who moved up and down the mountain slopes season by season. We experienced a Finnish sauna which they had recently built adjoining the hut. After the sauna in our birthday suits, instead of diving into snow, we cooled by pouring cold water over ourselves. It was no problem to be stark-naked outside because there was no other huts around us. They said hunters rarely  passed by.

そしてサウナでたっぷり汗をかいたあとのビール。たまりません。ビールのお共に、ドイツのミュンヘンで毎年行われる世界最大のビールフェステバル「オクトーバーフェスト」の定番料理、「Weißwurst(ヴァイスヴルスト)」(白ソーセージ)を出してくれました。ゆでた柔らかいソーセージは皮をむいて、「Süßer Senf(ジューサーゼンフ」という甘い粒マスタードをつけて食べます。Brezel(プレッツェル)という縄の結び目のような形をしたパンも薪のオーブンで焼いてくれました。こりゃビールが進むわ・・・。

To drink beer after sweating in the sauna, was beyond words. Along with the supreme beer treat, our friends prepared the special dish normally eaten at the Oktoberfest in Munich, Germany, which is the largest beer fair in the world. The dish was Weißwurst, a boiled soft white sausage.  Peel its skin off and eat it with sweet mustard, Süßer Senf. They also baked, Brezel、in the wood-burning oven. This was a bread, shaped like a knot. A lovely situation- the beer and sausage vanished quickly.

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