
白ビールと白ソーセージ White beer and white sausages


We associate Germany with beer and sausages. Naturally I enjoyed them from day one of my Munich stay.  


Sausages with Sauerkraut(ソーセージとサワークラウト)
'Weißwurst', a white sausage, is popular in Bavaria where Munich is. It's heated in hot water and eaten with no skin. Unlike a grilled smoked sausage, it's soft, delicate and mild, not meaty, which is agreeable to my taste. 'Weißwurst' is often accompanied with Bavarian sweet mustard, pletzels and 'Weißbier', white beer.


'Weizenbier', wheat beer, is called 'Weißbier', white beer in Bavaria. It's made from at least 50% malted wheat and poured in a tall slender glass. Unfiltered Weißbier retains its yeast, so the Bavarians believe that it's good for digestion. It was the first time I had had wheat beer, which tasted nice with no bitterness. 'Dunkles Weißbier', Dark white beer, was also tasty. I trusted the digestion theory and enjoyed it immensely.


Although meat products seemed to dominate supermarkets' counters in Germany, there were fish dishes as well, such as 'Herring in jelly' or 'Salted herring in sour cream'. Traditionally, preserved fish, such as smoked or salted, is popular as it used to be difficult to get fresh fish. The salted raw herring was rather salty but might be agreeable to the Japanese. 

Local wine in a round bottle

On this trip, I totally depended on my German speaking friends and most Germans spoke English, therefore regrettably, I didn't learn any German words, except 'Prost', meaning 'Cheers!' I had a whale of a time in Germany thanks to my friends.

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