
鉢植えバナナとパイナップル Potted banana and pineapple

「パイナップルの頭(葉っぱの部分)を植えておくとパイナップルがなる」と聞いて3年ほど前に植えてみました。葉っぱはゆっくり成長したものの、先は枯れた感じでもうだめかと思っていましたが、なんと今年パイナップルがなりました!かなり小さい(私のこぶしくらい)ですが、食べられるようになるのでしょうか。イギリスのスーパーマーケットでは「Buy 1 Get 1 Free(1個買うと2個目は無料=1個の値段で2個買える)」というセール内容をよく見かけますが、まさにそれかも!?楽しみです。

Having heard `If you plant a pineapple crown, it will produce fruit', we planted one three years ago. The leaves have grown gradually but looked dead as their tips were brown. Nevertheless, it is now forming a pineapple!! The fruit is small, a size of my fist at the moment , however, we are very excited about a prospect of 'Buy 1 Get 1 Free'.
花?10か月前 flower? 10 months ago
6か月前 6 months ago


On top of that, we found our potted banana plant is forming a huge flower. We don't want to be too optimistic but we may even get bananas! It is said that a banana plant dies after bearing fruits and a new generation grows from the shoots around the parent plant. Normally, bananas have no seed and multiply that way.


The potted tropical plants are in our conservatory now for the winter but were left outside in summer. They grow very slowly but steadily.

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