
ゴールデンポスト Golden Letter Box

イギリスの郵便ポストは普通赤色で、作られた時代の王(または女王)マークが入っています。例えば、ERは「Elizabeth Regina」 で今のエリザベス2世女王、GEは「George Rex」でその前のジョージ6世。


そのポストはかやぶき屋根の古いパブ「パンドラ・イン」の壁に埋め込まれているのですが、そのマークはVR、そう「Victoria Regina」、ビクトリア女王時代(1837-1901)に作られたものなのです。古いパブとともに黄金色に輝くポストは地元の誇りです。

In the UK, a letter box is normally painted red and marked with the initial of the name of a King or a Queen at the time when one was built. For instance, ER refers to Elizabeth Regina, which is Elizabeth Ⅱand GR stands for George Rex, George Ⅵ.

Some of those traditional red letter boxes were painted gold to congratulate the UK gold medalists of the London Olympics 2012.  The medalists' local letter box were given that honour and we found one near our place. That was for Ben Ainslie, the quadruple Olympic gold and silver sailing medalist. I hear the sailing club where he learnt to sail is near the letter box.

The box is embedded in the wall of a very old thatched pub, the Pandora Inn and marked VR, Victoria Regina (1837-1901). Locals are proud of the newly-painted golden letter box as well as the old pub.       

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